These days, Android does a pretty good job at properly identifying these calls and shunting them directly to voice mail. I only get about one or two spam calls a week that actually ring through.
The interesting thing to me is how the onslaught of spam calls has changed our relationship with the telephone over the last 20-ish years. Back before cell phones existed and before most had voicemail or answering machines, we would run to the phone to answer it when it rang. It was sort of seen as rude to ignore a ringing phone. When a spam call occurred (usually in the form of a local business trying to sell you something), you were only annoyed when they called late at night, during mealtimes, or on Sunday.
These days, we view all incoming calls with suspicion. No one picks-up calls from numbers that are not already on their phone directory. It’s for good reason when a large percentage of incoming calls are nuisance or spam calls.