Hemp "wood" here we come!

Laminar/ laminated Stranded Lumber (LSL) from hemp could be a game changer for the lumber industry. The rate at which it grows will produce mass much more quickly than oak, poplar, spruce, pine, fir (spf) or possibly even bamboo (another grass popular for a wood substitute). When the product goes through testing for various strengths to be fully certified to industry standards, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, burst pressures, deflection… it will take it’s place in your local lumber yard as a competitively priced option for regular stick lumber. Far off in the future, people will throw the remnants of old houses made from the stuff into burn piles and get not quite get high due to the low THC content in the smoke… but it will smell great and they’ll thank their ancestors for such a nice innovative solution “that helped save the Earth”… maybe, maybe not. It could turn out to be the next OSB, the first generation that notably melted and crumbled from moisture, or the saw dust based “gyp lap” sheathing from the 1940s, another compressed and glued creation. We shall see. Better living through chemistry. /s.


This new soft-timber fibre would totally replace the plywoods, hardboards and chipboards at present dominating the…

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