Here are 10 don'ts when traveling to West Virginia

Well, depends where you go.

Living the Silicon Valley for the past 30 years, I’ve never been able to rely on having cell service.

One more don’t in WVa is not to ask why there is no cell coverage.

I know a few areas where folks have had the opportunity to have towers and they flat out refused.

Change is hard.

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Part of the cell phone thing is… Cell phones are basically special digital radios. There’s a Radio Free zone in WV to support the National Radio Observatory. Most of the fixed radio equipment in the state has to be designed to use directional antennas, pointing away from Greenbank NRO. Once you get in the zone, Cell phone coverage is very, very limited. That’s 100 miles by 100 miles of East / Central WV.

Yes, there is always local opposition to the exact placement of radio towers and stuff… that’s not what is driving a lot of the WV cell phone issues; it’s topography, the Radio Silence zone, and the lack of population density that really does it.


Say, is Delacroix really pronounced “dellacroy” was that just Bob Dylan making a rhyme?

Also, “Louie, Louie”

Today’s Clopper Road is unlikely to inspire country idylls. But hey, there’s a Bowl America, so we have that going for us.

“Wear sturdy shoes. Dress in layers. Drive safe.”

West VA is my mom.


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