Originally published at: Here's how many people are currently on government websites, according to the government | Boing Boing
So, you and how many others are on analytics.usa.gov right now?
Not me, I got shit to do.
What TLDs does this include? Only *.gov or are we including everything down to a local level? We use a *.org and *.info for our library (with one group of addresses being a redirect to the other, of course.)
I suspect if you include everything like we have that number goes up significantly, but then more people might realize when we say “the government” we do, in fact, mean things like the post office, your local library, and that nice person down at the parks department that waves at you when you’re walking your dog. I’ve actually had to remind some of our staff members that they’re government employees!
My guess is Federal government. I’m probably half of those users; with all the regulatory related work I do, I have multiple government websites open in several browsers. USDA, USAID, NSF, DHHS, OPM, DOS, ECR, SAM, DOL, DOJ…
Just listing them out I feel like I opened a discount can of alphabet soup.
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