Home, sold for $805k in cash-bidding frenzy, comes with "stranger in the basement"

If the “owner” has already left the building for the last time, is on his deathbed in some faraway hospital, and can’t take his money with him into the next world, then his wishes may not be terribly relevant out here in the land of the living

The actual party with the most skin in the game sounds like the current occupant of the building, who will presumably be living in a tent by the highway when the lawyers are finished


Unless his wishes were to take care of the people he allowed to live in his house.

Or maybe his wishes were to have them removed because they did take advantage of him.

Unfortunately we’ll never know the outcome or the real story.

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Thank you for that. Talk about a class act:

But she says she has no plans to stay there.

“No,” she said. “That’s not my house…he’s not there. What is the reason to stay there if he’s not there?”

Nelly says the man’s family gave her little notice of their intent to sell and she had no idea of the attention the listing was getting until friends pointed it out.

She says she and her daughter and their dog will be out by this coming Saturday and says she has a place to go.

Right now, she says, her bigger concern is the health of the now previous owner.

“I want to say how much I love him. That’s all. I don’t care about this mess,” she said.

Nelly says the man’s family has tried to kick her out before, but she says the homeowner wouldn’t have it and begged her to stay when she would suggest she should leave.

WUSA9 hasn’t been able to reach the man’s family for their side, but Nelly says she wishes them nothing but the best.


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