Honda's new classic Super Cub motorscooter looks as good today as it did 60 years ago

If I’m buying teentsybikes, I want one of these…


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I bought a 1980 Passport several years ago, restored it, then sold it. Was a fun intro to motorbikes (and restorations) for me. With a top speed of 40 (with tail-wind) it was too slow to be ridden safely outside of the neighborhood (US) though. I still see them every once in a while here in Austin. Brave people.

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How so? It is an interesting observation, please explain?

I don’t really follow such things, but it was my impression that piston powered boats aren’t that fast.

It is a honda, if not a supercub.

Hah, this model shows up in the Mobile Police Patlabor anime TV series! I had no idea it was an actual, existing bike… it just looked too funny!

Impressively packed for those conditions.

I’d say some sort of aircraft, or a tank might be better for navigating Hangar Lane.


The word “Gyratory” says it all. If it’s even actually a word.

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