How can we fix the system without tearing it down?

We don’t have to wait for anything. We don’t need some magical revolution. We don’t even need anybody else to agree. We just need to create options that are more appealing than discrimination, unemployment, and being hated.

This specific forum is where a half of the conversation on this subject has been, and points to @Kimmo for helping keep things going. There’s a decent summary over at Operation Turning Scum Tide

In a nutshell, all the pieces are already in place, you just need to treat everything like what it can be used for rather than why it was made.

It’s completely feasible to create a scenario where somebody can walk up to a building and join a civilization of choice as easy as getting a job at McDs. If anything the legal rulesets corporations have (think of this as a stack of 3rd party D&D books ripe for exploitation) are abusively powerful and make things too easy. We just always needed either a critical mass of people and a really good presentation/video/article (working on it, but honestly I’m a do-er, not a show-er, though I’ve been looking for help) or else to just start the thing as a Valve+Mondragon+University+Home business and grow from there (Also working on it, I have a guy working on an elevator pitch this week)

Then it’s just a matter of taking a step to the left and getting an ‘awesome job’. No need to make it a big deal, and nobody who isn’t on the same page has to be involved. It’s addition by subtraction at that point.