How James Altucher's "New York is Dead Forever" essay goaded Seinfeld into unleashing ad hominem attacks

Do we have to pick a winner here? Because it sounds like both men are making pretty bad arguments here.


Agreed. I really don’t know the other guy at all, but I think that it’s worth mentioning that the only time Seinfeld was actually funny was when he had Larry David writing for him.

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The last time I saw Seinfeld do his own material he delivered his most recent “tight five” standup bit on The Late Show in 2016:

I noticed at the time that the cultural phenomena he was riffing on seemed so outdated that most of the material could have been written in the 1980s. He did a whole set of jokes on “Swanson Hungry-Man TV Dinners” even though Swanson hadn’t owned the Hungry Man brand for over seven years at that point.


Oh, hey, a James Altucher article. I’m sure this one won’t be tiresome, self-centered, or hacky in any way.



I was wondering why there was a post about an analysis of a rebuttal to an op-ed.


Asshole vs Asshole; nothin’ new or interesting, there.


BB is who again…?

One of these three; I’m not sure which.


Look at the initials of the site you’re on at his very moment. All will become clear.

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Hopefully one of the first two. Brigitte Bardot spends most of her time being an eco-fascist by supporting Marine Le Pen now.


I was thinking as I read the pieces…Seinfeld is a comic. His response is an extension of his stand-up material in many ways. Is it a rebuttal? sure, technically. But expecting it to be some form fitting valid argument…meh, he’s a comic and entertainer. Not his area.

But sure…any time we can take a situation to point and laugh at someone else…well, seems to be the human condition.


You’re freaking me out
There’s a ton of the twist
But we’re fresh out of shout


You’re wasting my time
Our records all show
You are filthy but fine

Well shoot. How about this BB instead?


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