None of the questions address that most obvious questions one might ask. It sounds like he is describing being homeless and jobless, how does he eat and shower?
Or is he just living in a small place and working, but otherwise reducing his object footprint?
He’s rich.
So THAT’S the difference between a homeless guy and an insufferable prick. A trust fund.
This guy is romanticizing homelessness. From what I’ve seen, I imagine it’s actually not very pleasant.
Apparently your article didn’t require minimalism. Jesus! We get it it. Enjoy your “Urban Hiking”.
So basically this guy, but with an iPad?
Exactly. Except place him in the cafe attached to the Four Seasons Hotel where he’s sleeping tonight and you start to get the idea.
Am I minimalist? I don’t know. I don’t care.
I don’t believe either of those answers.
99% of the “minimalist” or “rugged possession-free travel bloggers” I’ve seen are all former VC managers or investment executives. I imagine it’s not too tough to “leave it all behind” when you have a few million in the bank.
If you’re still trying to figure out what “free” means, writing an essay on the joys of freedom isn’t very compelling.
“here’s 2000 thousands to tell you that I don’t care what you think about me…”
Seriously the difference between having enough money to always be able to buy what you want when you “need” (want) it between keeping things around because you may need it later because you don’t have enough money to replace it is like night and day.
Holy blindness batman, that lack of self awareness is astounding.
If he needs some kitchen gadgets I bet Mark could spare a few.
Do a lot of rich people become possession-free travel bloggers? I don’t know many rich people.
In speaking of his children . . .
“And some times they stay with me for an extended period of time.”
How exactly does that work? When you have no home? If these children are minors, this has got to look dicey as far as the courts are concerned, when it comes to visitation procedures. Even if they’re not, they just go along with “dad has no home, and we don’t know where we’re going to sleep tonight”?
People on the BBS have talked about being homeless before. They didn’t wax quite so romantic about it.
A wallet full of money and/or credit cards and a smartphone makes a lot of other belongings easy to source as needed. Transportation, housing, food and entertainment all become trivial. If you don’t have piles of money available to handle these needs, then houses, kitchens, TVs and cars become smart things to own.
I don’t know any personally, myself, but every time I’ve found a travel blog from someone on a several-year-long trek around the world with just a backpack and camera and puppy, their background inevitably starts with “after several years as an investment manager, Joe was wealthy, but was searching for true happiness…”
Maybe it’s because I used to work in bookstores, but the part about going into bookstores and just reading for hours is the thing that most rubbed me the wrong way here.
I am genuinely sorry I didn’t see the byline in time to avoid voting-with-my-click, but since I’m here anyway, may I just once again ask the Happy Mutants LLC powers that be–is Altucher content paid content?
To be precise, is someone paying you to run these, either in cash or in-kind payments?
I understand you may not be contractually free to say, and I also understand this may not be the sort of question you want to set a precedent by answering, but if you can give one, I’d love a yes or no answer.
You’re doing it wrong. This is minimalism.