How to ban porn

I’m reminded of one of the best t-shirt slogans I remember from the 90’s (at least that’s when I saw it):
Stop Plate Tectonics


This project would be difficult, unpopular, and there would be no guarantee that it would work at all.

LOL. It wouldn’t work at all. Reduce the traffic? Probably. Hard copy porn would suddenly make a come back, I think. All those troves of old mags would suddenly have value.

Let’s be honest, there is more porn than one could ever watch in their life time, even if no on ever made something new, the old stuff is out there and will never go away.

Hell they watch outlawed US and Koreans shows in NK, so it isn’t like there is any hope of these ever working.

And more to the point - there is no reason to outlaw it (porn among consenting adults, that is.)

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“Douthat’s core reason is…that teenagers will be unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and will reenact what they see on screen in real life.”

Then perhaps we should be allowed to teach teenagers about sex education other than abstention. Maybe then, the teen pregnancy rates would fall and the pro - lifers (they’re not really pro-life, they are anti abortion) can get off their high horses and stop all the BS they throw around.


A pixelated porn Renaissance. If Ross had his way the Vatican would hire pixelators to cover up the naughty bits on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


It’s the insanity of the authoritarian mindset:
“I know what’s best for you, and you’re going to choose that, even if I have to hurt you to do it.”


Someone should tell them, before voting against the mote in your constituent’s eye, first cast out the rent boy in yours…


I appreciate knowing what it would take to ban porn. Now I know what I shouldn’t do by accident.



I’m waiting…


One of the funniest multi-layered on-screen interpretations of the woodcut is from Bert Cooper, the head of the advertising agency in Mad Men:

“I picked it for its sensuality, but also, in some way, it reminds me of our business,” he explains. “Who is the man who imagined her ecstasy?”

The Western interpretation often denies the woman’s agency, even though it says right there in the title that it’s a woman’s dream. That’s one of the jokes contained in that Mad Men quote.


That show was an underrated commentary on the patriarchy.


I still don´t get it.
Why would anybody listen to somebody who wants to take away something you enjoy? I mean they know that people love porn. Everybody enjoys it, from class erotica to cheap smut. Pron is for everybody and was been around eversince the first cavemen drew dicks and tits on walls. Its a pleasure that comes from the natural admiration of the beauty of the human body and the wonder of human sexuality in all of its forms. I will never understand hoe people can hate that. Its like hating life itself.


Well, she’s not dreaming of sex with octopoids, and the story isn’t primarily about her, and she’s not being raped, and she’s not a fisherman’s wife as far as we know.

In English that shunga is usually called “the dream of the fisherman’s wife” and interpreted as a rape fantasy. Hokusai did not give it any title at all.

Hokusai was a brilliant woodblock artist of the Ukiyo-e period who is famous for his 57Thirty Six Views of Mt. Fuji, the most famous of which is Under the Great Wave at Kanagawa. This particular work is shunga (see my previous link) and apparently quite derivative of an earlier work by another artist (I forget who, but it’s in the wikipedia article I also linked).

Caveat: I don’t read Japanese, but I’ve been told (by people who do) that the story is that a father (octopus) is teaching his son to give pleasure to women, with the assistance of a pearl diver, to everyone involved’s mutual satisfaction.


Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

–H.L. Mencken


You kinda nailed it here.


…unfortunately due to high volumes we can not complete your arrest at this time. Your sinful thoughts are important to us, please continue thinking and we will get to you eventually.


Oh, then off to lunch it is.


So the issue is that people think it’s rape? Her face seems to say that she’s into it. I didn’t know that the title was some made up western thing though, it just seemed to make sense. Lady works withlots of squid and the fisherman is out at sea for a long time, so she has a daydream about those 8 tentacles working their magic on her frustrated self.

The whole story about the octopus dad teaching his son how to get to third base with a human woman is probably more weird than the painting itself.

I guess people might think that she’s unconscious in the painting, but there aren’t signs of a struggle or anything like that.


Yes definitely! I think the misinterpretations are quite reasonable, especially if you don’t know the historical context of the art form. (The only reason I know this stuff is that I’m fond of ukiyo-e art, I’m a superultrafan of Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige and Hokusai in particular.)


That sounds like an incredible art project. Pixelate the Sistine Chapel.


From the ideological descendants of the people who brought you Prohibition…