How to get rid of ear worms

I can think of one good reason


Sometimes playing my earworm song helps me get rid of it. Other times it takes several repetitions. And there are times it just gets the earworm even more stuck in my brain, for a day or two (or three…) Is that weird?

(And now I’m battling the urge to post the video from my latest earworm song. Must… not… spread… it… around… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)



Oh, for the days when America used to wait until the TV celebrity had a few years of public service under his belt before electing him to the highest office in the nation.


I think that one only resonates for UK viewers (or people like me who were resident in the UK during the period). SI was one of my favorite shows at the time, but when I tried to rewatch some episodes recently I found it unwatchable. I guess you had to be there and stay there.

I did have this more recent chicken song as an earworm a couple of years ago, and was sorry to lose it:

And of course there’s always the Roscoe’s Chicken ‘n’ Waffles ad.


Huh, interesting. I had that YYMilk mashup stuck in my head 24/7 for a solid ten days. I love Rush but don’t need to hear YYZ that many times in my head.

I like to give them the Weird-Al treatment…



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Is that why the bad breakups stick around longer than the good ones?

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I had a housemate that worked out a wicked acoustic rearrangement of this one, and now i get THAT version stuck in my head.


Avoiding pop music usually does the trick. But unfortunately this is the age of NOISE POLLUTION where every store and restaurant needs to have a radio playing so people can avoid the awkwardness of silence. I love music but I avoid most things with singing or melody. Music which is sufficiently complex is often good enough to not be easily memorable in the same “earworm” way.

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Another thing, what is with the host of that video constantly fidgeting around? Their entire body seems to move constantly as they speak. How do they decide what angle to tilt their shoulders to, or how often to move their eyes? Do they exaggerate their movements to appeal to those with a short attention span?


Kind of nice to have your own custom ear worm.


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