How to pay no taxes at all! (if you're Apple, Google or Facebook)

oh lord, not this shit again. cory’s boner for apple is showing. apple is the world’s largest taxpayer. why does everyone keep insisting that they don’t pay taxes, or when they admit that, they just say that it’s still not enough? how much is enough?

i’m curious what cory’s tax rate is, and if he feels that it’s enough. i wonder what other people think of his tax rate, and if it’s appropriate for the amount of money he makes. and i wonder if he pays extra, because that would be the right thing to do.

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Pray, do show us the evidence. How does this figure come about. You do know that federal income tax constitutes 44% of all federal taxes. I.e. The correct statement would be 1% pay 37.8% of 44% of Federal Income Tax in the US.

Let’s stick to facts here, you do the maths.


You are misinterpreting the pie chart. It says 44% of total federal revenue (2009) is “individual income tax”. That’s irrelevant to my point, which said that 38%ish percent of the income tax was paid by the Big Ev!l Gr33dy 1%-ers. Of course an educated person can put the numbers together and say 38% * 44% = 17%ish percent of total federal revenue was extracted from the B.E.G. 1%ers. Show some gratitude.

Just as it’s unfair to characterize all 1%ers as evil and greedy (is it greed to want to pay less?) it’s unfair to characterize advocates for more-progressive taxes as ungrateful.

As for numbers, maybe that 38% includes state taxes? I’m seeing 25.4% from the CBO for 2013.


so in that case why are you throwing 37.8% around?

It’s like saying that surprisingly 100% of payroll tax is paid by the 100% of people on payrolls. True but meaningless.

The question in regard to income tax is how great a percentage of your income are you paying in tax. Surprisingly, to the mathematically illiterate, a lower % of a higher income may constitute a greater absolute number, thus equate to a greater percentage of the total. So where exactly is the news in saying that insanely rich people pay a greater amount in income tax from their insanely crazy amounts of money, with which they know not what to do?

We are all awaiting with trepidation a peak at the tax return of one D Trump. In the mean time here is something to get the juices going and educate yourself on rich people and tax.


so in that case why are you throwing 37.8% around?

… because it is true? If you take your time and read my exact sentence, you’ll see it is 100% correct. It’s not tautological either - no idea where you got THAT idea from. You may not be gobsmacked by the 37.8% number - or its 17%-of-total-federal-revenue equivalent, but it might at least shake the youthful naivite who say 1%'ers are not paying taxes. No. They pay many many times more than you probably are; they are pulling far more than their weight.

The question in regard to income tax is how great a percentage of your income are you paying in tax.

Well, that’s your question, and that of your fellow travelers. The rest of the economy operates not on percents-of-income or rates, but units of currency we call “dollars”. Each such dollar has the same value as each other dollar. What an amazing invention!

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