How to pronounce Worcestershire Sauce

What? Telling everyone how to say it? Not saying it right was the whole point.

Yeah, the buggers are catching on. And Featherstonehaugh is a slowly losing battle while Cholmondley just about survives. But Wymondham, Mousehole and Kircudbright still seem to work, in the main.

That’s wrong for so many reasons.

I keep reminding myself i really need to make some of that. I have it faved in my YT list.

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one chest stir shine specially if she-er big busted

I can putta plum tomatoes with the whoosh-sauce for ages

Holy shit. Like in Marquis de Fanshaw?

I’ve missed that reference all the years.


(Ten characters.)


I never knew or thought about what was actually in Worcestershire sauce before until I was watching How It’s Made and it went into excruciating detail about what’s in it. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t really look at it the same after that (but hey, it’s still delicious).


This is some shit straight out of Breaking Bad: Condiment Wars.



The key is not to try too hard.

Source (ha!): I grew up there.


Japanese cowboys, huh?

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Actually, that was Sir Arnold Bax.

I was delighted to learn from Mary Beard’s Pompeii that the Jewish community in that part of the world was numerous and prosperous enough for garum producers to offer a kosher variant.


Well, samurai. Supposedly.


I need to make a run to British Allsorts or to Pomoroy and Winterbottom. I need more Branston Pickle and some malt vinegar, which is otherwise unavailable here in Munich.

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Depends on the source; most of those I checked lean towards Beecham. But that’s the internet for you, I guess.
There are several variations as well. My personal favourite is where it says “Morris dancing” instead of “folk dancing”.

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It isn’t? Wow. I’d have thought Germany would have malt vinegar as a staple.

Nope. German vinegar is made of apples, though even that is not as easy to find as white wine and red wine vinegar, and of course row upon row of Aceto Balsamico.

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Huh. Whaddaya know? Good cider vinegar is a splendid thing tho.


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