Well, let me explain myself. I’m certainly not trying to troll, so perhaps it’s the “victim” definition I’m confused about. My understanding of the situation is this:
Zimmerman, for whatever reason, gets a bug up his butt about Martin walking down his street, and follows him out. The two engage in conversation, ‘heated’ words and an argument ensue. At this point, no one’s a victim here, it’s just two chuckleheads yelling at each other in the street. Being a chucklehead is not illegal, for either party. At some point, Martin strikes and continues to strike Zimmerman. Maybe Zimmerman strikes back, hell maybe Zimmerman even struck first. I don’t know, I’m not aware of any witness testimony backing up either side myself. Please correct me if any of my statements above are inaccurate.
Anyway, we have two chuckleheads yelling at each other in the street. The official story is that Martin struck Zimmerman. At that point is where it stopped becoming two chuckleheads yelling, and it became an aggressor attacking his victim. The victim, fearing for his life according to his own testimony, pulled out his gun and shot Martin to death.
I’m certainly not saying that Zimmerman is a sympathetic victim. This isn’t as clear-cut as some muscle-bound gym-rat pounding on dear old Granny, Granny whipping out her Gat, and wasting the guy. I have no idea how well Zimmerman can or can’t take an a-- -whoopin’. Hell, he may have even EARNED his a-- -whoopin’. Regardless, society says you’re not allowed to go handing out a-- -whoopings to people saying hateful things (if we were, I’d be first in line to stand and deliver to WBC, but that’s a whole OTHER ball of wax…), acting obnoxiously, or having otherwise ‘earned it’. My (limited) understanding of the law is that if you A. are in the process of receiving an a**-whoopin’ and B. reasonably fear for your life, you are allowed to take steps to defend yourself up to and including lethal force. There’s limits to the ‘lethal’ part, reasonable force disparity and whatnot (i.e. if my dear old granny starts whacking me - a 30-ish puffball of a desk jockey - with her cane, I can’t say that I’m reasonably in fear for my life, pull out my .40 and blow her away), but the jury has apparently decided that a young-ish in-shape-ish man delivering a middle-aged lardo a (possibly very well-deserved) a-- -whoopin’, meets that reasonable standard. Without having been there to witness it myself, I’m going to have to go with the jury on this one.
So, that’s my reasoning for saying Zimmerman’s a victim. He may very well have been saying mean, hurtful things about all and sundry, but the official word is that Martin struck first, and that’s the point where it stopped being about two chuckleheads yelling at each other in the rain, and about an aggressor attacking a victim. You’re not allowed to go thumping on people because your feelings are hurt - that’s assault, and people are generally allowed to defend themselves from assault. I’m not saying Zimmerman was ‘right’, I’m absolutely not saying he’s ‘sympathetically right’. I am saying in this situation, given my limited understanding of the testimony and what we have in front of us, that he was victimized, and that gave him certain rights which he acted upon.
Anyway, this is a monster momma-jamma of a reply, and I’m not entirely sure if it’s remaining OT for this thread. I’d be happy, Mr. Moderator, to discuss this further offline if you’d prefer to continue elsewhere and keep the thread cleaner/more on-topic. My email’s in my profile, feel free to reach out.