Huge air bubble discovered in otherwise healthy dude's head

Well he is not missing any brain, his brain is just compressed…

I think something to note here is the man’s age - at 86 there has already been a reduction in brain volume - even in healthy, non-demented individuals. Whilst you could still run into trouble with occlusion of specific drainage systems/irritation/infection/local mass effect I suspect there would be potentially greater tolerance of a pressured mass than in a young person because it could just displace some of the fluid without causing too much intracranial pressure (disclaimer - I do have some knowledge of medicine but firmly NOT in this area of speciality so may be incorrect)

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Mom is always right, and you know it.



If it’s a reoccurring problem, how about a relief valve with a whistle?


It’s practically a requirement. /jk

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Did he in fact donate his brain to science?

Yet paleo-anthropologists make a big deal about the evolving brain volume of our ancestors. It’s an odd science area to be sure, great danes are no smarter than chihuahuas, so what does size really mean?

You could do the ‘I’m a teapot*’ stance to perfection.

* I know, I know - kettle. Just give me this one, okay?

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No, but there was a strange hissing sound anytime someone was near him.

Might not matter:

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“Einstein’s brain was promptly preserved and whisked out the door.”

That happened in 1955, which – before Trump and his GOP – would have caused me to assume that, Nnaah! That sort of thing can’t happen these days!

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I know I have it because I’ve reorganised my bookshelves two weeks ago. Apparently I liked it enough to keep it, but that’s all I can say about it right now.

Yes, that’s the kind of part I had in mind (even though -sadly- you can open that without a wrench)

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