as long as my body and brain remains able, i’m game.
Just send me to San Junipero.
it’s not a competition, folks.
neither quantity nor quality.
the meaning of life is life itself.
live it.
and stay away from processed foods - that shit’ll kill ya.
Pura Vida
Maybe you will, but be aware that the older you get the faster your to-do list grows.
…and jacked . This could just be the result of being able to afford good nutrition and the best of trainers, etc. …And he’s probably good at applying himself to a task Bezos is not really who I was thinking of in this context though
It doesn’t usually work like that. Most people have five years of rapid decline before death. It doesn’t matter if you live to 65 or 115, that rule mostly seems to apply.
Especially the last 6 months.
I sure hope so. I’m not even 40 yet and I already kind of feel like shit.
As long as my body doesn’t outlast my consciousness, I will consider it a win.
That’s a reasonable goal, although locked-in syndrome scares me as much as degenerative brain disorders.
That etc. being HRT. I’m sure he works out, but no way is a 57 year old getting from left to right naturally.
Why not healthy and active until 150 and then drop dead? Just theoretically I mean. I would like to live that long if I could do it in decent shape.
#1762. Live longer than everyone else.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
I’d like to see that birthday cake!
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