If You See Something (IRL), Post Something! (Part 1)

My neighborhood Entertainmart is…

For those who don’t know what Entertainmart is, and are old enough to remember MediaPlay… if they both stores were people, MediaPlay was a fun date. Entertainmart is a fun date after a long night.

There was a time when they were becoming shady as shit, but something turned them around and they are once again a decent shopping option.

They mostly focus on pre-owned entertainment media and hardware; gaming systems, games, movies, TVs, phones, records, CDs, comic books, book books, posters, collectibles, etc.

And now… SWORDS!

Because…? Because SWORDS! man! What other reason do you need?

If anyone is interested, next time I go in there I’ll remember to take some pictures of the swords cases. Yes. Cases. More than one.

Also, in the entryway to the left of the SWORDS! sign I saw a flier for a new business that has opened up in town:

I wonder if the “… and more!!” includes SWORDS!? I should call and find out.