I'm a victim, too!

I was not suggesting destroying anything. What I was advocating was being constructive and establishing something different, more realistic. Creating new media, new kinds of wealth and funding, new measures of cultural capital don’t need to be destructive because they are voluntary. None of that stops anybody who genuinely prefers the oppressor’s economy from staying with it. Your concern assumes substituting one totalitarianism for another totalitarianism rather than enjoying an ecology of different systems. I doubt if there are any one-size-fits-all systems applicable to hundreds of millions of people.

The only reason why I touched upon this here is that I think that broadcast media do play a large part in this process of how people perceive (or ignore) privilege, persecution, rights, ingroups/outgroups, etc. There does IMO need to be more progressive media, but getting into the details of how seem beyond the scope of the immediate topic. I even made one just for it, so we don’t need to derail the discussion here: