Inspector Gadget and He-Man themes performed on church organ

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Why do you think I have a Hammond M3 in my living room (when I have a living room?)


I routinely get the IG theme stuck in my head. And I’m OK w/ that.


DAMN YOU – now it’s in mine! Hahah who am I kidding, I love it. :smiley:


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In the academic world of music, that Inspector Gadget would rightly be classified as a humoresque… and a very good one!

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You’d best have a Leslie speaker with that sucker :wink: My favorite organ concert of all time was held at SMU which had a famous organ in 1970 or 1971. It was modern, experimental music. I was close enough to be able to more or less see the sheet music. One piece was apparently written in bar graphs and had three (count 'em 3) people on the bench. Two of them were furiously pushing and pulling the stops at either side while the guy in the middle was attempting to play all the floor pedals as fast as possible, nearly throwing the other two off the bench, while doing weird shit on the (I think) 6 keyboards, sometimes using his entire forearms to press down on them. It was a glorious mess. Had I not been so totally stunned, I would have been rolling on the floor, giggling.

And “my sister” Cree Summer did the voice of Penny on Inspector Gadget.

I met her father twice,both times he approached me. The second time it was August 1980, I was visiting Bob Cummings at the Vancouver Greenpeace office. Don came over, maybe he was wondering what I was doing there, and I said I was visiting Bob. Don replied “We’re all family”, so when “A Different World” started, I figured Cree was my sister.

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