Is decluttering a disorder?

Are you sure you don’t mean DID? “Multiple personalities” are currently the realm of pseudoscience and popular media.

Are you parodying Scientologists and/or just gibbering?

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Probably more because of low willingness to pay than any actual sense of restraint; we don’t seem to hunt too actively for psych deviants these days. If anything, with a lot of the old institutions closed or downsized, it’s more likely that people who are very, very, likely to qualify as some sort of mentally ill just bounce in and out of contact with the criminal justice system, depending on whether or not their behavior rises to the level of some sort of petty criminality at a given time.

The petty criminality is usually of the nebulous type that involves social interaction with others, rather than actual crimes. We have more problems at the library with people acting irrationally and damaging others’ calm than with theft or other such crimes (although stuffing up the toilets is still right up there as far as antisocial activities go).


Another behavior proceed desk though
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In a single one most people a new;
You’ve got my lays of charming the old rake

Of thralled discontent captured foul.
I am. Enter place. Thy monument stuff.

1 Like

DID was called MPD. The substance stays, warts and all, only the name was changed.

This is actually happening, FWIW


Well, thankfully the warty-“substance” of Sibyl only existed in the iatrogenic sense. And, I suppose in the field of computer science :slight_smile:

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I feel like I’ve been thrown through a Markov chain thresher.


Thy scientologists
Oppose left occupy patients
Which, the same. So literally.


I think he’s attempting to trolley. Either that, or he’s trying for sarcasm but tripped over Poe’s Law.

Excellent. This is the kind of service that has made so many of us loyal to BoingBoing Corporation and it’s subsidiaries over the years. I have no doubt that Jeff will come up with the perfect gray for the button color.


With matching gamma-calibrated displays available in the Store for 47% discount, for the ultimate end-user experience.


Good to know my post natal depression doesn’t exist at all. No reason to take the tablets any more. I’m sure I can handle constant anxiety which led me to go on the tablets in the first place.


Have you accepted Xenu as your Personal Savior?


How much will that cost me?


Everything you got, and then a lot more.


“Today, the marketing of antidepressants has likewise reached nightmarish proportions, and the scenario becomes even more disturbing when one considers the explosively violent episodes such drugs precipitate. Moreover, there is categorically no evidence that diseases such drugs claim to treat even exist”

Sorry @othermichael , but I read this soon after you posted it and rather than react immediately, went away and thought about it. And have concluded that you’re so, so wrong.

To take my own example, (and yes I realise sample size of one is not proof, anecdote is not data, and you’re probably referring to the American market etc etc) before I went on anti-depressants, I had no idea about their existence. I just knew that I was incredibly tired but unable to sleep, was spending up to an hour crouched under the shower each morning, trying to convince myself that it would be ok and I could leave the house, and it was completely normal to have this sense that I was constantly standing at my right shoulder, watching my life get increasingly fucked-up but that was ok because it wasn’t actually happening to me. And that if I could lie down and sleep and never wake up again, that would be great.

It wasn’t until after the anti-depressants kicked in that I realised that for the longest time, the only emotions I’d been capable of feeling were inappropriate anger and inappropriate amusement.

But for all that anger, I never experienced ‘explosively violent’ episodes and the few I’ve read about have mostly been suicides. My understanding is that any violent episodes happen in the first few weeks of being on the anti-d medication as a result of chemical levels in the brain beginning to even out, allowing action to happen, where before medication, any action was impossible or close to it because of the depression and inertia caused by the depression.

Anyway, I just know that before anti-d’s, reading comments such as yours would have been… well, incredibly depressing. And that if it weren’t for such medication (even if you think it’s just placebo-effect) I would’ve killed myself a long time ago.

Whew. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

Tl;dr: anti-depressants are unlikely to lead to explosively violent episodes. And in the small percentage of cases that do end up with violence, it’s more likely to result in suicide rather than harming others.


Nah, he’s clearly gotten into @Steve_Nordquist’s stash.

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Carefully chemical levels in the
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The american practice to imagine

Violence of one year if the taker
Blogs have I tweet email epub court justice.

What. The. Fuck?

1 Like