Is sick humor dead?

Oh!? I haven’t watched enough in recent (really got like the past 15 years) To know about that. If that’s true it’s a bummer.


Yeah, it’s possible that their politics have changed over the decades, but some of the older episodes at least are politically fraught.


This answers my question, thanks!


Yep, as @smulder already posted.

Don’t care if they’ve “evolved” since; any damage they helped do is done.


The only humor I consider ‘sick’ is Republican politician and Republican politician adjacent comedians jokes. Those guys just aren’t funny no matter how hard they try. Everything else is fair game.



Had a recentish convo w/a friend re: a place for sale that had soooo many ridic signs everywhere like the one in that image. There was a “GATHER” sign near the dining room table, multiple ones re: eating and cooking in the kitchen, 3 in the laundry room, at least two in each bathroom, a ton in the living room - including at least three that said “FAMILY,” etc ad nauseam.

He went off on a major rant which was hysterically funny. He took special umbrage re: the number of signs in one bedroom, deciding they should all be replaced with only one which suggested trying a somewhat, um, unconventional sexual method. He also suggested one saying “One Night Stand” for another bedroom. He also said the family ones in the living room should be replaced with one reading “STRANGERS.” We decided the one that said “RELAX!” would be much more amusing if it said “Anxiety!” instead.

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It’s a lazy home staging element insisted upon by real estate agents with no imagination. I know one home stager who differentiates herself by refusing to incorporate any of those stupid signs in her projects. She does very high-end properties and understands that it’s a declasse turn-off for the buyers.


Oh, man, this partic’lar joint was sooo fulla awful tacky crap, I doubt it was stagery, but I am not omniscient. I did not know that was a staging thing these days. How wretched and yes, V declassé.

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At least one does have imagination.


Yeah, it’s a pretty standard trope for birthday cards for the over 50 crowd to feature gravestones and other signs of impending mortality, and the audience for these are generally aging people to send to their also aging friends.


Vomit emoji, we sooo need it!


I like this one for ‘gallows’ or aging humor:


I mean, Gottfried is dead, so he’s kind of definitionally a has been.

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He was a one note has-been long before he died.

Punching down is still punching down, and being an asshole under the guise of ‘just joking’ is still being an asshole.

But if someone can make a lucrative career out of it, then I guess that makes it all just fine & dandy.


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