no doubt there would be blood, but we would still win.
Really? I got new for you, not only are they much better armed, they’re meaner. Being wealthier and better read will not win this fight. This is the school bullies vs the nerds on a national scale. Who’s got merc’s available these days?
No doubt there are some gun loving wing-nut killers among Trumps supporters just looking for sanction to go kill some lib-rels.
But its not 48% of the nation.
You utterly fail to understand the relationship between total number of voters, those who voted for Trump, and the much larger population of voting-eligible adults, who by most accounts do not tend to lean Republican, because they are working poor, and cannot miss a paycheck to vote. But that doesn’t mean they support Trump.
And besides, who said progressives can’t own guns? I do.
So what exactly is going to happen, an army of rednecks is going to attack the major urban centers of the USA? If you hadn’t noticed, most elected officials in blue or even blue-leanings states are not pro Trump, and are definitely not pro redneck militias invading their states. Hint: These states have national guards. And police forces. Which trust me, no matter what, are absolutely more heavily armed than any redneck militia.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we see terrorist events by rightwing militia types, possibly doing something stupid in a blue area, like that idiot who went into the pizza place in DC with an assault rifle. But on a larger scale, and with shooting. But I kind of have a feeling that would be put down right quick.
But what of the horrible, horrible VANDALISM!
Me too, but don’t tell anyone. It would kill my street cred as a liberal. But, honestly, I struggle with this: I grew up with guns and hunting and learning what it means to kill deer as meat for people who need it, etc. Responsible handling of guns started before I can remember, and I’m a girl, so there. Anyway, lest I get sidetracked on guns … I thought I would share this from the editorial staff at the University of Alabama student newspaper. It’s just a glimmer, trust, but a glimmer of hope is what I need right now:
Well pack it in boys. @gellfex says its hopeless and useless so we may as well crawl in a hole and eat tendies as we get high on the feel of our own smugness.
I feel bad for even speaking given how little I personally can do, but that kind of ‘oh the world is shit people are shit it is all useless’ talk is… No. We need to find something else to hang onto other than personal hopelessness. !right as well dig a hole, lay in it, cover it over, and wait if that is the genuine best you or anyone else thinks we can accomplish.
Very interesting, would it only be true. If it is please explain Venezuela.
And meaner?
I’ll tell you there is nothing meaner than a mother defending her cubs.
And in this fight we are the mothers, and democracy is our cub. So fucking bring it on.
Yeah, sounds great, but when it comes down to it liberals are a bunch of wimps, we can’t organize and keep organized like the conservatives. Every time we have an Dem incumbent election its like fucking herding cats, every Dem fringe whines that they don’t “love” the candidate so they’ll pout, don’t vote, or vote for a 3rd party. This is how we got both GWB and Trump. So no, I don’t believe Liberals have what it takes to fight like “a mother defending her cubs”. They can’t even vote like it really matters who’s in the White House.
I agree. The Dems do suck at it.
But I would counter that the block of voters that were following Sanders are very good at it, better than the gun-toting Trump faithful, and ready and eager to put on a push for change where change = good by Donald.
I’ll stand out in the rain for a week if it means regime change now.
Plan on getting wet.
"The Party is on life support. Democrats are in the minority in both the House and Senate, with no end in sight. Since the start of the Obama Administration they’ve lost 1,034 state and federal seats. They hold only 16 governorships, and face 32 state legislatures fully under GOP control. No one speaks for the party as a whole. The Party’s top leaders are aging, and the back bench is thin.
… If Republicans do well in the 2018 midterms, they’ll control Congress and the Supreme Court for years. If they continue to hold most statehouses, they could entrench themselves for a generation." -R. Reich
Much more than Singing in the Rain is going to change this current situation.
Yes, and gerrymandering is being challenged in several states. Has to start at the bottom.
Massachusetts is only 2% of the population?
If that were true, then the Civil Rights Movement would have failed. The numbers were more against them, the bullies meaner, more organized and motivated.
3.5. Doable. We can do this.
The Women’s March was huge. They demonstrated WORLDwide. Antarctica protested! That joke writes itself…
3.5% organized and determined can make a huge impact. Tactics are vital. And I agree that non-violent protest is most effective. But it cannot be ignored that the more aggressive tactics of a Malcolm X, in concert - willful or otherwise - with Dr. King in the 60, had an added impact. Sometimes ya have to get a little radical. I expect these protests to continue, and escalate. Buckle up.
It did fail, for 100 years, before televised atrocities brought them down. And it has still failed to protect LGBT rights. But now they’re in control again, and using the power of social media lies to combat the condemnation and truthtelling of mass media.
10% of the US population is 11 million people. We will need the equivalent of the state of Ohio all actively protesting at once. We’ve got protests like we’ve never seen before, and we’re currently only at one third of that.