Japan says goodbye to floppy disks in official use

I’d be curious about how thorough and systemic the change was.

3 years to replace “floppy disk” with some other external storage medium across all the applicable regulations is aggressive but not terribly implausible.

3 years to go from sneakernet to network transfers across the board seems like it would be a strikingly(probably quite dangerously) fast crash program likely riddled with some very, very, ill-advised MOVEit installs and connection of legacy systems that should not be connected.


In 2021, Mr Kono had “declared war” on floppy disks. On Wednesday, almost three years later, he announced: “We have won the war on floppy disks!”

Finally. The struggle is over… but at what cost.


… the guy with two heads in the orange shirt wants some answers :thinking:


Between the two, it’s Kuato who has the answers. George is, well… George.


I gotta get new glasses. Half a dozen times I’ve seen this headline “Japan’s war on floppy disks”, and every time I think it’s a story about male enhancement pills.

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I hope they didn’t switch to burnable Blu-Ray disks…

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It’s also still with us as non-existent A: and B: drives on our computers.


And yet…

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