John Oliver: Britain's 14-year decline more about austerity economics than Brexit, but all of it sucked

They are copying Ted Heath’s policies. People familiar with UK politics should already know that Heath was a pre-Thatcher Tory. Talking of old Tory PMs, Harold Macmillan’s economic policies look more like Corbyn’s than Starmer’s. That is how far Britain and Labour has fallen.

No, that seems about right. Today has seen me shouting abuse about my local Labour MP for transphobia (I have already talked about it in Today in Transphobia (Part 2)). She hit my berzerk button over conversion therapy, and I don’t see how she could earn forgiveness from me now. Maybe crawling over a mile of broken glass, then rubbing salt and lemon juice into the wounds would start to convince me she was sorry.

I hate them, but I am voting Lib Dem. I need to survive today before I can fight tomorrow, and they have promised that and have probably the best chance of beating Labour where I live.