John Oliver: Britain's 14-year decline more about austerity economics than Brexit, but all of it sucked

Anneliese Dodds is the Shadow Equalities minister and is just as shit.

I am hoping for a reshuffle when the Conservatives lose, because between Sir Keith, her, and the equally transphobic and shit Wes Streeting (Shadow Health minister) I am left swinging between paralyzing despair and thinking that revolution wouldn’t be the worst option for Britain.


What frightens me most after hearing John Oliver’s observations is this thought; if the MAGAts in the US heard the same level of facts condemning the actions of the republican traitors they would swell up with pride at the great job trump and his chumps have accomplished. Olivers ability expose reality-based observations is remarkable. We need more people like him to drag the ugly naked truth out into daylight. He’s a national treasure!


Britain’s decline is a lot more than 14 years old.

I personally put a lot of blame on the Consumer Credit Act, 1974 but the major factor was Thatcher and her Reaganomics programme from 1979 onwards.

Between those two original causes, the UK enjoyed a superficial surge of prosperity powered by easy credit and the selling off of the family jewels (rail, water, oil, social housing, and so on.)

The dividends were not invested in new industries, public services, or education, they were used to power tax cuts for the rich. This led to rapidly increasing asset prices, which became the default mode of wealth creation.


Yeah, I was going to say that I have a series link set up to record Last Week Tonight on my Sky (sorry) box but noticed it hadn’t recorded this week. I was able to download and watch it though, thankfully.

It was a good primer on the current state of affairs and a great take-down of the Tories but didn’t go far enough in covering how abhorrent Starmer and his policies are IMO.

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It all went wrong when the government sold the State Management Scheme?


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