John Oliver offers corrupt Clarence Thomas a luxury RV and $1 million a year to "get the f*ck off the Supreme Court"

That said, the majority determines the rules and could have changed them to make way for packing the court if not for the above-mentioned conservative Dems standing in the way.

I still think they should have done whatever it took to get Mansema in line to pack the court and pass the voting rights acts. It would have been worth building a canal to the Capitol off the Potomac for Joe to park his houseboat and building Simema a penthouse apartment on top of the rotunda to get those existential bills passed.


The federal judiciary doesn’t have them because the Constitution specifies they have lifetime appointments. It would require a Constitutional amendment to apply term limits to federal judges. It might be a good idea but would be virtually impossible to implement.

One suggestion I’ve seen is that since Article III doesn’t address the Supreme Court explicitly, Congress could apply a term limit to the SC after which the judge would be demoted back to a regular federal judge.


It’s not just Sinema and Manchin that opposed getting rid of the filibuster. There are a lot of Senators who oppose that. Again, they’re buying into this notion of Jimmy Stewart’s Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and it’s just not reality, but it’s a common view. Not just in the Senate, either. My mother thought that way. I managed to change her mind by getting her to read Federalist Paper #22. Maybe we could email a copy to all the Senate Dems.


In Thomas’ case there’s a clear Constitutional remedy to get him off the bench: impeachment. There just isn’t the political will to enforce it.


I agree completely on both counts. I think half of Congress sees the fact that he can be bought as a feature, not a bug.

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Booo. But I will either look for a pirate full episode, or just wait.

FYI - it’s up.


Great! Gonna watch this evening!


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