Judge dismisses manslaughter charges against Alec Baldwin

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/13/judge-dismisses-manslaughter-charges-against-alec-baldwin.html


I don’t know how to feel about this whole thing. Having it end with a prosecutorial error doesn’t help.


I feel like Alec Baldwin, the producer, had a lot to answer for with the all of the cost-cutting on tasking enough employees to work on the set as well as on the safety measures. Then there’s the additional pressure he put on his employees performing a sensitive job.

What I got from the news about the trial was about Alec Baldwin, the actor, failing to perform a few last-minute checks and about the Sheriff’s office not disclosing evidence favourable to the defendant like where those live rounds came from.

Well, a defendant is still innocent until proven guilty and a fair trial is a cornerstone of the legal system (in theory) but I feel Alec Baldwin is going to learn nothing from this.


He was also horse playing with the gun, including aiming it AT people and that sort of thing, by some accounts. He ignored safety training on set, too.


There’s no reason why this outcome in the criminal trial would affect the civil trials.


Civil trial has already ended with a settlement though.

this doesnt sound like an “error”;


From the news coverage yesterday it seemed like the prosecution was doing a really shitty job all around.


Yeah same. It showed me how much I really do trust the process to inform my decision. Now it’s back to me having to figure it out while knowing almost zero of the truth.

But here I go anyway!

Ugh . I’ll just wait for the mini series. :frowning:

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New Mexico has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country. Fast, loose, and shady prosecution is a feature that works really well with those who can’t afford a good lawyer.


And those who can afford a good lawyer.


On the upside, I doubt he will ever be given another chance to produce a movie.

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The indictment was a wild overreach to begin with.

Civil liability is unquestioned here.
Criminal liability is a lot more dicey.


Who knows, but he did actually stay on as producer for Rust and wrapped up filming 19 months after the shooting, so I wouldn’t be too certain about anything.

Alec Baldwin finishes filming Rust after fatal shooting.


An incomplete production is a total loss. A finished one has a chance to recoup its budget.

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We know he was aiming at people, because that’s how he shot the people. He pointed it at them and pulled the trigger.

That depends upon the insurance coverage.

I have no idea how rich Baldwin is - but some can fund themselves. If they have to.


It looks like they had liability insurance for $6million.

But no completion bond.

The damages to the victims family may be covered. But the investors are shit out of luck.

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I’m still at a complete loss as to why anyone would let live rounds anywhere near a movie set. I understand from another article that another actor had live rounds in his gun belt. For crying out loud.


Wikipedia says that the whole production budget of Rust was only about $7M, probably because they saved money by hiring bargain-basement armorers and “local talent” rather than a ton of expensive professionals. So yeah, that’s likely well within the ability of someone like Baldwin to self-finance.

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OTOH nothing happened to John Landis or Stephen Spielberg after three people died making the ’80s “Twilight Zone” movie

barely a footnote on their careers now :thinking: