Katie Porter is running for US Senate in 2024 regardless of what Diane Feinstein does

There’s also a minimum age limit for drinking alcohol or getting married but I think it would still create quite a bit of controversy if society imposed an arbitrary upper age limit to do those things.


That’s exactly how we have a 6-3 conservative batshit insane majority in the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsberg could have stepped down and let Obama appoint her successor, but she wanted to be the one to swear in the first female president in Hillary Clinton. We all know how well that went.

Now, all of this assumes Feinstein even makes it to 2024. There are some reports that she has dementia and her health may be failing fast.

RBG was a Supreme Court Justice, not a politician. For good or for ill she was one of the last old-school idealists who didn’t base her decisions on which political party she happened to support.


And I’d agree there needn’t be upper age limits for drinking alcohol or getting married. But for the privilege of being one of just 100 people in “the greatest deliberative body in the world”? The somewhat-arbitrary lower age limit is already nearly a decade older than for drinking alcohol. What’s so wrong about an equally-arbitrary upper age limit?

Or, at least institute a more rigorous “person, woman, man, camera, TV”-type test that potential candidates have to pass.

Whoops. Correct.


I"m sorry… what does that have to do with what I said? Did you read what I said at all?


Good catch. That was written in haste and in my mind, I must have thought that she was there at the San Francisco 101 California Street shooting in 1993, but she led the response to that with the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Instead, it was Jackie Speier, also from the SF Bay Area, that was at the airstrip shooting at Jonestown in 1978. She was shot and feigned death to survive.

Not much sacrifice like that, that I could find on Diane.

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We need to stop blaming RBG for that. Timidity from Democrats and outright cheating by Republicans are why we have a 6-3 “burn the Constitution to save it” SCOTUS.


Bill Murray Thank You GIF by filmeditor

But it’s so much easier to just blame the females… /s

I’d say the case of RGB and Feinstein are completely different. For one, the likelihood of a Republican ending up in Feinstein’s seat is relatively small. And it’s an elected office, which the SCOTUS seat is not…


Fun little side note about Feinstein: she’s older than the Golden Gate Bridge.


Feinstein was the one who found her colleague Harvey Milk’s body immediately after he was shot to death by Dan White in San Francisco City Hall. When she tried to feel for a pulse her finger entered a bullet hole in Milk’s wrist. That was the day she became acting Mayor since White killed George Moscone moments earlier. She was still in obvious shock when she made the official announcement to the public.

So I don’t know if “sacrifice” is quite the right word but she certainly has firsthand experience with traumatic gun violence.


And RGB seemed to be sharp as a tack til the end of her life, from what I could tell from interviews and such?


Fun little side note about Feinstein: she’s older than the Golden Gate Bridge.

I hit up google to fact check this and was reminded of the first time I ever heard of Feinstein–watching this on VHS as a teenager.

Since, the phrase has always subconsciously followed her name when I hear it.
While it’s easy to be glib and say Biafra was just bitter about losing the mayoral election to her, I appreciate the heads up. Her legacy isn’t all that great–war profiteering is not public service.

Katie Porter represents a massive improvement vs DF at any stage of her long career. I hope to see her in that seat sooner than later.


She absolutely was. I’m sure she might have had a touch of chemo-brain, but given how brilliant that woman was, that might have just made her only 10 times smarter than the average human rather than 100 times smarter…


Also on the subject of RBG, she could not have presupposed that the Senate would flip as a result of the 2014 election. If she was still feeling hale going into that election season, it would he been kinda of insane to resign on a “what if what if what if” basis. And unfortunately she did not last the full 6 more years she would have needed to make it to the next unified D control of POTUS and Senate.

Even the 2020 Senate outcome ended up as a knife’s edge sorta thing


I assume the same goes for a number within her own party. Porter openly and effectively attacks interests that straddle both parties… and being too honest could upset her colleagues; you know how sensitive donors can get.


Brutal but funny:


She’s gonna need a bigger whiteboard.


Yes. Sadly, I forgot about that, but I’m sure Diane hasn’t.


LA Times reports that Barbara Lee also intends to run for that seat. Not sure if this is paywalled, but it worked for me: