KFC sells an artificial fire log that smells like greasy fried chicken

Awesome, my Christmas shopping is now complete!

To be fair, the post was three sentences long. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


KFC: “Now you can take the grease fire home with you.”


Thanks, that was brilliant.

Not fried chicken? I don’t believe it. Way more likely that just stumbled across what their birds are good for and went for it.

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I like fruitcake. Of course, you’re supposed to let in soak in brandy for a month or so, which does seem like a waste of brandy.

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You’re my hero

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We loved that growing up. Cracked us up every time.


Back in the day we used to just ring in the season by torching a local henhouse.

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OH at KFC corporate: “We need a way to get rid of all that crud in the grease traps.”

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