"Kill the Faggot" game removed from Steam

Because it is a simple, easily understood issue that gets to the root of some of their own fears.

On a larger scale, it is a convenient tool for getting people to support your otherwise destructive political/economic goals. Get them all het up about teh gays and they don’t notice you selling them out.


He got to church late that day, and only got the bit about horse-whipping the money-changers and cursing the figless fig-tree.

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This is maybe a touch simplistic, but in the interest of brevity:
Abrahamic paternalism + psychological projection + persecution complex = modern Usian conservative “Christian.”

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Because they believe in hierarchy.

One of these hierarchies having adult men as heads of the household, wives and children as subordinates. But not having slaves any more. Some of the Pauline and Pseudo-Pauline letters refer to this model, and they [religious tradcons] refer to these letters to say it is a religious mandate, although other Pauline letters challenge this model. Anyway, it makes it harder and harder to tell who is the handmaiden and who is the feudal lord.


You don’t, in fact, have a right to not be offended; but what baffles me is the people who seem to feel that your lack of right to not be offended should really be their right to do as they please without any consequences of you being offended. This right is equally nonexistent.

That’s why I find such people so tiresome, despite supporting their right to say their piece, and being distinctly unimpressed by countries with weaker protections for speech. They aren’t whining because the liberal fascists are coming around to shut them down(just look at how long somebody like Fred Phelps did whatever he could to be absolutely as offensive as possible to just about everyone, before eventually dying at a ripe old age); they are whining because they want to say their piece and have people pat them on the back and agree with them.

They also tend to (ironically, given how often they otherwise espouse strongly conservative positions on the right to run ones’ business and do with one’s property as one sees fit) to see ‘censorship’ or ‘persecution’ in the actions of private actors. Kill the Faggot didn’t last long on Steam; because Valve doesn’t owe him, or anyone else, a soapbox, and they judged(almost certainly correctly) that stocking this product wouldn’t do their bottom line any good.

He’s butthurt not about having his way of life dictated; but about the fact that he isn’t receiving sufficient praise and agreement for his preferred way of life; but there is no right to an enthusiastic audience.


It looks like he was trying to crowd-fund a company to manufacture Christian footwear/skateboards (where presumably his company would be responsible for making them). Or something (it’s all deleted now, so it’s hard to tell what was going on). Given that he was previously a game tester, I’m guessing that really means he’s a con-man who thought that this would be a good way to get money from people on Kickstarter, but wasn’t, as it turns out.

No, it’s not new at all.

Yup yup. Persecution is totally a conservative Christian thing. Discussed here before. It’s weird, but they love to be persecuted, because it’s the story of (early) Christianity. They almost need to be persecuted in order to justify their beliefs.


I wonder how often we’ll see this sort of nonsense come up with the rise of app stores, and signed code, and walled gardens and all that centralized control. Probably a lot.

Don’t forget its close cousin, “Being intolerant of my intolerance is hypocritical.”



the use of hatespeech, hyperbole, ridicule, or the like, in espousing, congratulating, or amplifying hatred, folly, etc.

Is it some kind of trollception, held up to a hall of mirrors?

From what I can tell, there’s a few reasons.
One is plain old-fashioned disgust they were raised with and encouraged to express: “gays are evil, because two boys kissing makes me go ‘eeeeww’”.
Then there’s projection, “My daddy saw me hold hands with another boy once and belted my butt real hard. Now when I see two boys kiss it makes my bathingsuit area feel funny, so those boys should get belted too.”
There’s also a lot of confusion and misplaced conclusions: “I’d never kiss another boy. And I’m healthy. Therefore any boy who wants to kiss another boy is sick. We should fix/imprison/throw rocks at sick people.”
Then there’s biblical wrath fear, also known as credulous idiocy: “god (the daddy who’s bigger than my daddy) says gay people are real bad. If I let gay people exist and don’t kill them like god says in the bible, then I’m bad, and god will make bad things happen to me.”

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