Kobo "upgrade" deprives readers of hundreds of DRM-locked ebooks

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For some reason, I never have this problem with any of my books.


The only solution to this stupid problem is massive civil disobedience. Those who strip DRM from their books need to be unafraid to stand up and say that they do so.

My partner and I buy $200-300 worth of ebooks every year. And we strip the DRM from every one of them.


So not really lost. Just not automatically recognized by the update. Not sure how they are deprived here. The data is still there and readable.
Sounds like a bog standard programming oops.

And just to remind myself…
Forget it @TobinL it’s BoingBoingtown


Regardless of which source you buy DRMed books – or music-- from, you should always strip them clean. Sooner or later either the company and/or your reader/player will die, and then how else will you transfer your collection to some other device?

As far as I’m concerned, anything I download is a copy I own, and I can and will do whatever I damn well please with it. <-- for personal use, of course. I’m not advocating sale of copies, etc.


What if I went to my library and they said I could only read the books there and not take them out.
Think anyone would stand for that?

No, I’m Spartacus!

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Some ‘special collections’ stuff works exactly that way; but only because it is ‘special’ as in ‘rare/unique/delicate/extraordinarily valuable/etc.’ Electronic copies are, of course, precisely the opposite of this in all respects.


Calibre, for Linux, Win, and MacOS – strip that DRM:



What will announcing this force a company to do?


Calibre doesn’t strip DRM natively. You have to add the Apprentice Alf DeDRM plugin to do that.


That’s why all my books are on my laptop, in Calibre, and I keep my Kindle’s wifi turned off and only load books onto it through Calibre.


Fewer people will pirate, if the product is reasonably priced. There was a study a while back that determined that the right price-point for ebooks is about $4.85. Most ebooks are more that twice that. And the prices don’t change, even when the paperback editions comes out for several dollars less than the ebook.


That didn’t answer the question I asked.

I’m not sure what keeping your wifi off really gains you? Amazon has yanked, what, two books ever? I load a lot of books through Calibre and keep my wifi turned on and things work fine.

Actually, it did. Just because you didn’t like the answer, doesn’t mean it wasn’t an answer.

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I’d rather remain in control of what does and does not get loaded onto my Kindle. Plus, the battery lasts longer.

Kindle user claims Amazon deleted whole library without explanation

How Amazon’s remote deletion of e-books from the Kindle paves the way for book-banning’s digital future.

DRM be damned: How to protect your Amazon e-books from being deleted

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No, actually, you did not answer the question I asked, which was what announcing that you’re breaking DRM here actually accomplished. The active verb is “announce.”

Feel free to comprehend and reply if you want to answer what I asked. Otherwise, you’re just answering a question that you made up, not what I was talking about.

So, once again, what does announcing one’s intention here on this site actually accomplish, which was what the person I replied to was calling for? The companies that you want to change, well, they don’t read Boing Boing forums.

Why are you even buying a kindle then? Buy a kobo and convert your Amazon books, if any, to ePub.

I already remove all of my DRM so I have no fear of Amazon removing a book as I can just add it back in this hypothetical scenario. All you’re doing is cutting yourself off from software updates for your device.

I’m so glad you know all about my device, a Kindle 2i, which I got at a very good price, years ago and a year before the Kobo even hit the market. So I’m not “buying a Kindle”. There’s only been 1 software update in the last 3 or 4 years, and I downloaded it and installed it from my laptop, only after my research determined it would have no deleterious effect. An email from Amazon altered me to the update. I’ll be shocked if Amazon ever has another release for it. So again, no real reason to leave wifi turned on.