Komodo Island is closing because people are stealing the dragons

Unless these magnificent creatures are being stolen to address some issue involving giant, evil, twisted, cyclopean satyrs… then I say, No!



I love horror movie, this one was about EVIL oil companies trying to hide stuff.


"What do you have in the bag, Harry? Or should I say ‘Mr. Hausen!?’"


Oh, Ray for stop-action!


On this story, there is always more room for references to The Freshman


I just hope it isn’t Florida Man and his buddy’s who decide to turn them loose in the Glades like those idiots did with the pythons

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That there’s a nice Asian Water Monitor. I wonder if they have a lock on SAG membership?

Anyway, here’s more from The Freshman :

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I was more reacting to the implication that the only victims of Komodo attacks were idiots who deserved it. Most of the victims of Komodo attacks are impoverished locals who:

  1. Build their houses on stilts to avoid getting eaten while they sleep, and

  2. Have to put large stones on top of burial plots to avoid having their relatives’ corpses dug up by carrion-seeking dragons.

Douglas Adams’ book Last Chance to See has some detail on what it’s like to live with dragons. It’s pretty grim.

It’s kinda analogous to the situation with saltwater crocodiles in Australia.

The only croc attacks you hear about in the media are those that kill foolish White tourists, but the overwhelming majority of attacks actually happen to local Indigenous people who have no way to avoid interacting with the crocs on a daily basis.


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