KTVU: "Sum Ting Wong" and "Ho Lee Fuk" piloted crashed plane

Sad and bad things happen all of the time. Some of us choose to deal with it by making jokes. This is especially true of the emergency services. It doesn’t make us bad people. Just different.

I am sorry for the victims and the real crew. But the joke is funny.

San Francisco, the place I live is super open minded and has a history of asian community and … wait what the FCK is this SHT. God dammit The News. Because of you the atmosphere is literally an emulsion of horse feces.

Exactly! We should all celebrate when a life throws us a little racist joke or two. Especially when showing compassion can be so time-consuming/boring, amirite?


I’m guessing the “official in Washington” they spoke to was named Bart Simpson?

I don’t understand why it is racist. Korean people or anyone else are welcome to make jokes about English people using funny names too.
Just because I can find the names funny doesn’t mean that I have no compassion. I feel sorry for the victims and I am sure the flight crew didn’t want to crash the plane. Maybe for some or most people it is an either / or thing. I think humanity is more complex than that. Sorry if that offends anyone.

What if this was piloted by whiteys and they listed the names as:

  • Betty Diddit
  • Constance Waring
  • Denise Hirt
  • Wiley Driver

Would the news run a joke like that? I doubt it

[quote=“stevepbolton, post:45, topic:3674”]
I don’t understand why it is racist. Korean people or anyone else are welcome to make jokes about English people using funny names too.
[/quote]Part of the reason it came off as racist is that those names sound nothing like actual Korean names, so the joke only works if you lump all Asian cultures together.

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Ah I see. Thanks. I wouldn’t expect a Korean making the same joke about a say, Scottish aircrew to know that it is likely that Harry Crashalot should be McCrashalot. Not a great example but you may see what I mean.

I guess if you take the view that there are some things too painful or potentially offensive to make a joke about then you will analyse jokes with standards applied to serious discourse.

I just laugh (or not) at the joke and move on. I know some people make jokes that are intended to be racist and offensive in other ways, not sure that this was the intent here. I can’t read those names without laughing. When I do that it isn’t laughter at Koreans, Asians or whatever - I am laughing at silly names.

I do find it annoying and offensive that news organisations will often follow a part of the story that is ephemeral, rather than concentrating on the important issue. For example how Snowden is going to get asylum in Russia. The real story is about the NSA scanning the Internet.


Important to remember also that just because a joke isn’t intended to be racist, doesn’t mean that it isn’t hurtful.

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Yes, the would have. Because they’re stupid. They didn’t “run a joke.” They didn’t recognize a joke. Because they’re stupid.

Thing is, they would, cause they are racist … not super stupid.

Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize that you personally knew the people working at that station! My mistake. I’m a little confused though, because I know someone working at that station too, and I know that they’re AREN’T super racist, or racist at all. They are however, not geniuses by any stretch, and were genuinely embarrassed. But it sounds like you know everyone there well enough to understand their intentions, so you must be right.

I guess Hanlon’s razor is equally plausible

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