Lahaina's historic Banyan tree may survive

Originally published at: Lahaina's historic Banyan tree may survive | Boing Boing


I visited Maui for the first time ever between Xmas and New Year’s this past year. Lahaina was a lovely little town, the tree and other historic buildings were beautiful and fascinating, and we left from the port right there to an absolutely spectacular sunset whale watching cruise that may be one of the finest experiences I will ever have.

To see the utter devastation to this tiny little jewel of a place is absolutely heartbreaking.

I hope the tree survives, and I hope they’re able to rebuild quickly. There are families that have lost generational homes, with little more than the clothes on their backs.


The tree may well be an important focal point of the community and a powerful symbol of hope if it survives, but with 55 confirmed deaths at the last report there are many families that have lost far more than their homes. :sleepy:

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I love trees, and maybe I’m missing the point, but this entire town of 10,000+ people is pretty much gone. Lives and homes. The tree might survive. Not so sure about the town.

It has been about 30 years since I lived there. I don’t know that I know anyone personally that still lived in Lahaina less than a week ago.
I nevertheless feel affected.
Many people died. Many dogs, cats, parrots and koi died.

That saddens me in an abstract way.
Many people will die from war today. That saddens me, but I don’t know them.

But I knew that town with its life and soul some, and that particular tree.

Hundreds of trees survived the heat of forty suns within two miles of the A-bombs in Japan. Those survivor trees were, still are, symbols of hope to many.

Did y’all see the broods of chickens roam around Lahaina’s smoldering ruins?
They looked pretty content. Like feathered dinosaurs after the asteroid.
Lahaina lives!
The life of the land is perpetuated.


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