Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/31/landmines-are-actually-good-s.html
This is also my Complete Lack Of Surprise face.
Saw this yesterday, refused to deal with it…
Landmines are actually good,
Yes, and according to tRump Co. poisonous water is too.
I want to say they’re going to run out of things to have no morals over… but I’m only setting myself up to be disappointed.
People should probably watch this movie…
Land mines are still all around the former Yugoslav countries. There were still at least 80,000 in Bosnia as of 2017…
And Angola, Vietnam, Cambodia…
Had Obama banned eating babies, Trump would now be forcing USDA officials to put babies into the official food pyramid.
Yep. It’s a global problem. Whatever one’s opinions of the royals, I’m at least glad that Diana and now Harry have been promoting this issue to the public.
I mean, they are delicious!
Reading about the remaining unmapped landmine fields in the area was excellent motivation to stay on the trail when we went hiking in that region.
I. don’t. believe. you.
Aren’t there a pile of international treat… Oh yeah, never mind.
They’re probably a lot cheaper than a wall, too.
What, are you saying every time a mom playfully nibbles her baby’s toes to the sound of happy giggles, the au pair should turn her in as a criminal!? The nanny state has too much power already!
Did I miss the unveiling of the Trump Brand Landmine Company?
Next up: chemical and biological weapons.
Hey, if their manufacture and sale can bring in some cash for defense contractors, it’s got to be good, right? After all, we must think about bottom line when thinking about human misery and destruction… like Wilbur Ross said about the deaths in Wuhan… it’ll be good for the American economy, and that’s all that matters, right? /s (obvs)
I’m not an American (yay!) but have noted a few things that in the past 4 decades the Republican Presidents, one Democrat President and the current occupant of the White House have done to undermine society and violate international treaties:
Reaganomics to more quickly funnel money to the already wealthy
Deferred Maintenance - don’t replace or service anything until it actually fails (Reagan)
1st war with Iraq (Bush Sr.)
2nd war with Iraq (Bush Jr.)
Drastically revising the definition of torture to allow the use of ‘enhanced interrogation’ that is banned under the Geneva Convention (Bush Jr.)
Invasion of Afghanistan (Bush Jr.)
Increased use of drones as a means of waging undeclared war (Obama)
Drone strikes against not positively confirmed targets (Obama)
Unilateral withdrawal from multinational nuclear treaty preventing Iran from developing their own nuclear weapons (Trump)
Drone strike against a senior government political and standing military official without a declaration of war or exigent circumstances (Trump)
Withdrawal from landmine treaties (Trump)
I know I’ve missed lots of examples and omitted Clinton but this is what comes to mind at the moment.