Lawsuit: "pivoting to video" was a disaster led by Facebook's cooked viewing data

Big corporations love walled gardens. The open and free Internet is a scary place for them and their good little human resources/consumers.


“a company mentality of reckless indifference toward the accuracy of its metrics”

See, now there you’re dead wrong: Facebook’s stock index metrics are taken very seriously at all times.

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Unless it’s changed recently, YouTube inflates it’s own stats by measuring page loads and calling them views because the videos autoplay. In contrast to Vimeo, for example which measures each discretely and will tell you when people stopped watching. And there will be 10 times more page loads than views on Vimeo. I’m implying YouTube’s stats are intentionally rudimentary and inflated by a factor of 10.

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I could be wrong but i believe the views that count are ones that watch a certain percentage of a video, a metric that is plainly given to all video creators on YT in their metrics. It does also let them drill down and find out where most people are bailing on the video so that if they want they can find ways to incentivize their viewers to stick until the very end.

I don’t think the page load = views has been true for a few years now in YT. I could be wrong though, i don’t make content for the platform. It’s just info i pick up on from reading and watching stuff here and there.

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I know right!

I was once in a company finance meeting (quite a few years ago). This company had a nice funnel that bought Google ads, on their automated auction, as long as they were cheaper then the expected profit on their (mostly) digital product. After a few years of doing this the company and overall revenue had grown quite a bit.

In their review we hear we heard that about 4/5th of their revenue went to Google ads. They were still making quite a bit of profit. But at that point I feel like you are mostly just making money for Google.


Is it possible these businesses complaining were too quick to dance to Facebook’s tune and not question anything?
“Pivot to video? Ok, fire all the writers… Z has spoken.”

How about some due diligence in making decisions for your own company… These ventures that base themselves on a social media API … well, that API will change, terms will change, you are dependent on Facebook or YouTube, but to them you are a nothing burger.

I’m with you.

I’ll add that videos are terrible from a reference point of view. You can’t easily search the video to figure out if it covers the content you need to the depth you require without actually watching at least part of the video. With text, I can tell almost at a glance.

With mandatory work videos (safety, security and the like), I have to admit that I let them drone on in the background with the sound off. Then I take the quiz to get credit for it.


Um… that’s not how you spell


My household’s mobile usage went through the roof when they did it - all those videos were preloading in the background.

Ugh. Shut it off and got gigabytes back. And vastly more speed for everything and everyone.

Facebook is defrauding their users on every front.

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From one “Nyet-er” to another, I just gave you a pat on the back.

Um, that kinda leaves out 99.9% of all these guys. The business model, especially once they go public, is to maximize profit at the expense of ethical considerations. Zuck is just really good at shooting himself in the foot.

imfine ???

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