Legendary "Hulk" comic book writer Peter David raising money for hospital bills

Originally published at: Legendary "Hulk" comic book writer Peter David raising money for hospital bills | Boing Boing


Man, I keep seeing posts of old writers and artists struggling with medical bills and the like. It really sucks the billions that were spring-boarded off of their work never makes it back to them.


The US healthcare system is embarrassing and cruel. People having to resort to crowd funding gives me a super gross feeling.

Medically-related GoFoundMe campaigns raised a total of over $2 billion from around 21.7 million donations over the course of five years.

Two billion dollars raised would be a success if you had originally asked for $2 billion […] the GoFundMe campaigns had originally asked for over $8.45 billion.


There needs to be a guild for these writers that provides retirement benefits. Like SAG. They worked in this industry for decades.


Such a titan in the industry.

I wish him and his family nothing but the best.


I thought perhaps The Hero Initiative would have something on this. They are in touch, but nothing announced, yet.

It’s almost like the entire entertainment industry is set up to keep the creative people poor and hungry


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