Lego reveals Atari 2600 set and it's fantastic

Amazing! Glad to hear that someone else had love for Yar.

I think mom paid $1-$3 for that stupid journey game, so coulda been worse. I’m very sorry if your copy cost any more than that! :frowning:


I don’t think Playstation even existed yet when we had it.

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Atari has made several ports of 2600 games for modern consoles. Same for Activision and Konami.


Ahhh, now I see what you meant!

Sorry I’m not as perspicacious as usual - sat up all night with Young Topaz. Carted him to his food, water, chairs by the windows to look for his sibling/other cats, back to the living room after he used the litter box, putting him back up on the couch with me, feeling guilty AF while he slept near me with his cone of abashment, worrying every time he jumps off the couch, searching for him whenever he broke outta the living room, getting him back to the LR before he done himself a mischief, etc etc ad stressam gigantam. He’s still pretty stoned, even though it’s been about a day and a half, so he must be a V sensitive little young gemstone.


D’aw! He should be fine by morning.


He’s finally occasionally complaining, so he’s improving. :smiley: Good thing he’s sleeping a lot, to get out of the anesthetic, cope with the stress, & he had shots only the day before. They often make 'em feel punk for a few days.

Poor lad, he’s really been thrown in at the deep end. He still loves us despite all. He’s rested his cone on my honey’s shoe a couple times tonight, and he often flops on/against/very near me on the couch.

ETA Sorry I got all OT up in here. Again.

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