Lessons from the DNC: Ronald Reagan, the Southern Strategy, and "abnormal politics"

It’s almost cringing to watch Paul Ryan doing everything possible to not get any Trump on him. On a closely related note, I think it’s time to start using ‘Trump’ as a mass noun à la Santorum.


That was really good!

Remind me to look you up when I need some wordsmithing done!


Thank you!

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One of the best comments I’ve ever seen.



All the rational people have left, leaving only the zealots. Religions sometimes develop this same problem.


How’s that?



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I think it is time to stop beating up on poor Al Gore.


I love Gary Johnson. I agree with almost all of his platform. Right until you get to that tiny detail about opening the gates to hell by thinking the free market is the answer to everything.


. . . but finally the Overton window is wide enough to have a discussion . . .

When it comes to widening the Overton window, Donald Trump is the Kool-Aid Man.

[quote=“cmos1138, post:13, topic:82404”] the Libertarians

*Spits on ground and makes ward against evil *


Not so! The Libertarian Party wants to get rid of Social Security, the EPA, Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps, and nearly every other department of the federal government. I don’t agree with that. I want a compassionate federal government. I also don’t want a federal government that has diminished power. As an African American, I know that the federal government is nearly the only level of government that has come to our rescue. From the Civil War, to the Voting Rights Act, to school desegregation, to recently striking down unfair voter ID laws in North Carolina and Wisconsin, the federal government has come to our rescue time and time again.

As for the Green Party, I never see them speak out for green issue. I never hear from them.


that can actually police ethically-corrupt business instead of being its slobbering lapdog.


I run in social circles with a fair number of Libertarians. They tend to fall into two categories; really smart good people who can’t see why everyone else wouldn’t be good, and @$$holes that don’t want to pay taxes


I used to describe myself as a bleeding-heart left-leaning civil libertarian (small l). But I pretty much gave it up because most people only heard Libertarian and I’ll do whatever I want to and got mine so fuck you!!! They were wrong, of course. But having met some of the “sovereign citizen” morons that think they’re libertarians, I kind of get the misconception.

Now when people ask, So you’re a Democrat? I just say, No I’m not a conservative.


I thought I was a Libertarian when I was young; a little experience and perspective cured me of that. Now that word only gets used in lowercase in this household.

I am totally stealing that line.


Yep. the TEAGOP will burn the world to the ground & say “It’s just like Ronnie wanted”

To paraphrase Ghandi:

“I like your Christ, I do not like your American Christians. Your American Christians are so unlike your Christ.”


Yep. I leaned toward being a libertarian, but i stopped when I realized that without a federal government, this country would be a hell on earth thanks to businesses running to catch that last dollar. I also realized that anyone who wasn’t white or rich would get more screwed over. Do I think the Feds need to be reformed? Absolutely! Getting rid of the Feds? No, not a good idea until mankind can act like adults.

As for the Green Party, I never hear them talk about saving the planet we live on or trying to make things better either.


American Christians actually worship Mammon, Lucifer, and Beelzebub jointly wearing a Surfer-Jesus skin-suit. I think the most blatant example (before the Short-Fingered Vulgarian came to lead the Evangelicals) was the Conservapedia’s Conservative Bible project.


Sovereign Citizens, Ayn Randian Objectivists, Bitcoiners, Anarcho-Capitalists, Kochian Americans For Prosperity… there are alot of negative examples within the Libertarian tent.

In D&D terms, Libertarianism is a Chaotic Neutral philosophy that many Chaotic Evil people use as increasingly threadbare cover… and who taint the minority of Chaotic Good followers by association. (And I’d say that the above-mentioned sub-philosophies within Libertarianism are, by default, Chaotic Evil… to the point of me using Objectivism as an example of a Real Life regimented Chaotic Evil cult for illustrative purposes).