Libertarians exit, pursued by bears

Libertarian-socialism is the umbrella that anarchism falls under, but also includes libertarian Marxists, Mutualists, impossibilists and other anti authoritarian forms of socialism. It has nothing to do with right wing Libertarians, who only started calling themselves that 100 years after the socialists did.

You only have to go back 20 years for most of the references to libertarians in the British press to be about left wing groups, and it was mostly the WOMBLES, the Antifa of their time.

It’s more like “no hierarchy, just community”. Unless you are dealing with ultra-individualist anarchists or anarcho-primitivists there will be something resembling government, but it won’t be about leaders telling people what to do.


What if there is more than just the one bear? And, they’re all very hungry.

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“Given a natural number n, you don’t have to be faster than n bears, you just need to be faster than n fellow libertarians.”


That’s fair.



Especially if you have bellicose Americans on your southern borders threatening to invade all the time.


Anarchists pretty much fell out of fashion after the Spanish Civil War. Their sole attempt at actual implementation of running a community in defense of Barcelona was a failure. Undermined by both Fascists besieging the city and Communist factions they were allied with.

The Romans feeding Christians to the lions was awful, but Libertarians being fed to bears? Tell me more.


It wasn’t their sole attempt.

And currently

If you want to expand it to the wider libertarian socialist tent we can also include

These are just the big ones, there are smaller ones but I expect they will be dismissed for being small .

The main lesson learned from the earlier failures was never trust a tankie.


I suppose Christians being fed to lions was a symbol of martyrdom. Lion The Christian-hearted! Libertarians pitted against each other to defend themselves from real life survival of the fittest escape rooms helps poke holes in their argument.
I might not be the moralist you’re looking for. And it’s only shortly past 9am.


Romans did throw people to lions on occasion, and Tertullian, writing later, remarks that the Romans were always ready to exclaim “Away with the Christians to the lion!” whenever times got tough. However, Tertullian doesn’t claim he witnessed any martyrdoms-by-lion personally, and anyway he was a Christian himself. Fact is, while the Romans evidently fed Christians to animals, and people to lions, we have no source stating directly that they specifically fed Christians to lions.


The difference is the Christians were a religious minority being bullied by the powers that be. *
The libertarians are selfish doofuses (doofi?) that are getting a dose of real life problem solving and finding themselves and their childish philosophy to be not up to task.

  • Of course nowadays, the Christians are doing the bullying.

The way I’ve heard it, the whole throwing-to-the-lions thing was not exactly a religious issue, at least not from the Romans’ point of view. The Romans were pretty tolerant of other gods, with the stipulation that every Roman had to pay a tax for the upkeep of the temples of the principal gods — Jupiter et al.

The Christians, since they insisted that there was only one god, balked at this. Thus they were executed for refusing to pay taxes, which seems a pretty libertarian way to go, if it’s libertarian to die for one’s beliefs.*

The early Christians were definitely socialist, though.

*(I’m guessing not.)


My apolitical approach to bear control: I don’t take the weekly trash out till 1/2 hour before the garbage truck is to arrive. If I must haul it earlier, I splash ammonia on top of the load. That’s deterred the local bears and dog packs so far. The pumas don’t seem interested in trash, whew.

Libertarians can feed themselves to bears around here in my mountain hamlet.

Imagine the Libertarian approach to being pursued by a puma or three. Just imagine. Note: a neighbor’s doorcam recorded five pumas strolling along his driveway not long ago. (Sub)urbanites live in another reality.

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