Lisa Tuttle on the Starshipsofa podcast


I love the Starship Sofa - Tony’s unbridled enthusiasm for scifi is infectious, if sometimes incomprehensible. While I wish he’d dump the somewhat supercilious JJ Campanella, or at least trim his science coverage to a concise 10 minutes, I have every bit of respect for what Tony is trying to do. Apparently he’s struggling a bit with the costs of supporting the Sofa, so if whether you’re a new fan or old, throw a few quid in the tip jar to keep the Starship engines fully fueled.

Speaking of amazing female writers, Pseudopod has a great story from Alice Sheldon who wrote under the pseudopodonym James Tiptree. The Screwfly Solution reminded me of the old school scifi that I loved as young reader, flipping the pages of Omni Magazine for the fiction column every month. It’s worth a listen. I’m going to track down more by Sheldon/Tiptree myself. Anyone familiar with her can recommend a good book to start?

Sheldon/Tiptree myself. Anyone familiar with her can recommend a good book to start?

The short stories are best by far - she wasn’t a natural novelist.
Ten Thousand Light Years from Home is lighter and more conventional - which doesn’t mean I don’t love it dearly.
Warm Worlds and Otherwise is later work and generally grimmer - and great.

If you do end up really liking her, the biography by Julie Philips “James Tiptree Jt: The Double Life of Alice B Sheldon” is excellent.

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Clicked expecting this:

Was only slightly disappointed to find out I had misread the headline.

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