Listen to Comcast torture Ryan Block and Veronica Belmont as they try to cancel service

From a brief (and tired and therefore inaccurate) look into the issue, the answer may lie in the library; you may like to poke around further if there is a patched version without this artificially included limitation.

A solution for another kind of phone is here; the callrecorder+alsamixer trick may work for you too.

And there are talks about libaudio that does beeps in 10-second intervals when recording the call, and a library version that does not, so it is probably this library where the core of the issue resides, or its immediate vicinity. I cannot do more now due to time constraints.

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It’s really easy if you tell them you’re moving someplace that doesn’t have Comcast service. Trying to convince you to stay would just be a waste of their own time and money, so they don’t bother.

I’ve canceled Comcast twice for that reason, and had no problems at all. They tried suggesting a transfer to Comcast in the new location, but saying there is no Comcast put an end to it instantly.

Just for future reference, Cheshire, Connecticut is one such place without Comcast. You could also say you’re moving out of the country, I suppose. They’ll probably want an address to send the last bill to.

Another possibility might be to cancel service in person at a Comcast location. There, the person is probably standing, doesn’t have someone monitoring that they stick to a script, and may have other customers waiting behind you.


Actually, the monopolistic empire thing makes it easy to cancel service. All you have to do is tell them you’re moving someplace that they don’t cover. Then there’s no point trying to convince you not to switch.

The monopolies have a lot of problems, true. But in this one instance, it provides customers a get-out-of-phone-hell-free card.

Sorry I can’t help with Charter. Talk to the local phone company to demand higher speeds, ideally something like FIOS.


This has worked for me. But, I was actually telling the truth. They never seemed to catch on that I signed up for service for 3 months, every 6 months… made it nice to get their promo rate all the time.

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Still time to submit it as an exhibit against the Comcast/Time Warner merger.


Internal documents at Comcast have recently shown that the population of Cheshire, Connecticut has ballooned to 4.5 million from just over 29,000 several years ago…


CM doesn’t have recording support out of the box because Google has it off in the Android code-base, and the lack of built-in app for same is for legal reasons. But if you install something like Alsamixer to turn that audio channel back on then it should work fine. (Haven’t tested it myself, that’s from forum threads by Cyanogen users who are recording successfully).


Ooh, nice! Thanks for the tip!

I just say there’s nothing on. Has worked several times.

That’s not going to work once they merge with TWC. There will be no place on Earth beyond their reach…


So why we’re you canceling?


stop putting “trigger warning” on shit that is normal day to day experiences. Too bad you didnt do multiple tours in Iraq or Afghanistan and know what real triggers are…fucking joke.


The part I have trouble believing is how these people managed to connect with such a sweet and compassionate customer rep. I sincerely wanted to murder about 90% of all Comcast employees I’ve ever had contact with.

That said, when I pulled the plug on my cable TV a year ago (completely for budget reasons), their immediate response was, “OK, what date will you be ending service?” End of story. And they have never tried to recruit me back, even once.
I get Verizon ads in the mail every day or two, but they do not actually offer service to my address, as it’s an apartment complex which was completely contracted to Comcast.

One day, the apt. stopped including cable in the rent, and the next day I cut the cord.


As an ex Comcast customer I can tell you the internet outages were almost every day of the week and often twice a day. Unfortunately, due to my locale there is no other internet provider except for YK&W, if you get my drift.

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Something like planning to join a customer retention ashram in DRC?

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That’s probably the difference. If you say you have money but want to give it to someone else, they try really hard to get it back. If you have no money, then they want you gone.


This is a common understanding. You do not need consent. In “all-party” states you just have to give notice that you are recording. TMK there is no US jurisdiction that requires consent.


Sounds like we need a “Trigger Warning” trigger warning


I vowed never to give Comcast another dime after they refused to call off their illegal collections agency for their own billing mistake. I am lucky enough to live in an apartment with a faster independent ISP that costs less so it’s a no brainer.

That and the time I spent a half hour trying to switch down to Basic Cable and had to give up when they wouldn’t acknowledge that it existed, wanting to keep me in the higher service tiers.

These monopolies are able to trap people into suffering their illegal abuse, while still having most people believe the commercials that tell them that they are getting manna from heaven, is to me evidence that freedom of speech for corporations with unlimited dollars to spend is not serving the transparency goals that the founders had in mind with the first amendment.

It’s why I’m beginning to come around to the idea that a constitutional amendment limiting free speech to individuals rather than businesses is needed.


So by competitor do you mean the other major player Comcast may be merging with? I don’t see a lot of competitors out there in the US market.

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