Logic gates made purely of joints and levers

I work at university, and there’s a lot of cool stuff that is thrown out, you just have to know where to look :slight_smile:
Other interesting stuff that I found were pre-WWII Klangfilm tubes from cinema audio amplifiers, nixie tube voltmeters, lots of military avionics (gyroscopes from Soviet bombers, and Soviet clone of Norden bombsight autopilot, sadly without bombsight itself :slight_smile: ). I also found weird VFD tube register display from an old mainframe, 50kW brushed motor weighting about 500 kg, and a few machine tools, like lathe, mill and metalworking planer.
And as for the tubes, the interesting part is that they are military spec versions 6N16B-W.
There were also large photomultiplier tubes and monstrous mercury thyratrons rated for 70 kW peak power :slight_smile:
Earlier I posted photo of nixie voltmeters at work.