London property bubble entombs a thousand digger-machines

Huh. I hadn’t thought of that (never seen it done that way: we’ve always had a crane on-hand for other things, so that’s been the tool of choice). Good idea, though!

Block and tackle and/or a heavy-duty come-along. I have done amazing things with this single, strong vector!

I still haven’t seen one basic aspect of diggers referenced here, so I guess I’ll do it…

Diggers dig dirt. The dirt has to go somewhere.  If there’s a tiny £3,000 digger at the bottom of a mansion’s multistory basement, digging dirt, where’s the dirt going? Usually there’s a ramp for a dump truck to go down and get the dirt from the digger. The digger drops the dirt into the truck from a distance of a certain number of feet above…not thousands of feet, or even hundreds of feet, no, the dirt drop is minimized as much as possible so there isn’t a mess. So if the vehicle used to get the dirt out of the pit can get out of the pit, why can’t the digger?

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Unless they’re hauling the dirt out by hand :stuck_out_tongue:

All three sub-basements!!!

“Werner Herzog”'s twisted take on Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel:

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That brought me such twisted joy.
You WIN, sir!

That is baloney, what the media want us to believe.

The property market is mostly properties of accidental landlords (people that for whatever reason had to move out of their home and could not sell during the financial crisis or can’t afford to re-mortgage, or simply realize that having an asset is better than getting 0.5% interest from the bank) or increasingly pensioners trying to get a reliable income by letting their property while downsizing elsewhere (you can have a nice 2 bed flat in picturesque parts of Wales for literally peanuts) instead of relying of the daylight robbery of annuity payments and depleted interest rates.

The bubble has been caused by the main political parties entirely ignoring the housing needs of a town like London and failing to act on the interests of the majority of their inhabitants.

The super rich may be playing a role, but they aren’t the ones dictating economic policy and economic incentives to ensure affordable housing remains available in zones 1-3 in London.

I don’t get how the bullshitometer didn’t kick in straight away.

Anybody living in Europe knows that industrial waste of any kind has to be disposed of properly.

Many people would be in dip shit if they would leave behind a digger on this manner, worst of all would be that all the parties involved would be easily traceable, the companies and developers heavily fined and some careers would be over.

Nobody on his sane mind would do this.

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