I love that movie… I haven’t seen it in years, though I have it on DVD I think.
Yeah, in it’s own way it is pretty much perfect. And just lots of fun.
New Lady Izdihar!!!
On the MOPR (the International Red Aid)! Interesting stuff as always!
Her Kitty has views!
Rachel Maddow provides a history lesson about the previous time the DOJ indicted a powerful US politician, and how the public reacted:
Small side point, but what a difference in elocution between Agnew and Trump.
It is frightening to see how imbecilic we have become as a nation.
I will cross-post in the BLM thread too:
600 human beings. 600. These records are still being found for the first time, and they continue to horrify.
Working drawings for the Curta calculator were created by Curt Herzstark while a prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp.
It doesn’t sound as if Herzstark and Brunn (the Old Bay guy) were there at the same time, though.
Imagine how many inventors (and engineers, doctors, musicians, researchers, etc.) the world lost without a trace because they didn’t make it to liberation.
No kidding! We had about 70 years of more and more Jewish scientists making profound, fundamental scientific discoveries in central Europe. Even with how many were killed in the Holocaust, this is still a group that is way overrepresented among Nobel laureates and world chess champions. It’s also a group with IQ ~15 points higher than the global average (and several related genetic diseases; this is both heritable and cultural).
Speaking of trans history…
This looks like it’s going to be a good documentary…