Cynicism makes a fine marinade.
Only in moderation.
Again, that still smacks of passive-aggressive sexism, if that’s the case.
Like many others have reiterated, he could have easily made his valid points regarding his disagreement with Cole’s appointment without all the needless snark and pettiness - but he actively chose to employ a belligerent and unpleasant tone in an apparent attempt to be ‘clever,’ and it backfired on him.
And you know what Scalzi says about trying to be clever…
That’s most unfortunate… but it still doesn’t absolve Nick Holland of his less than professional assessment of Cole’s worthiness of the appointment.
If he has an issue with Armitage, then he should have taken it up with the man himself directly, not by insulting a woman merely acting out a role in the man’s play.
If he felt that Cole was a poor choice for the appointment, (which he clearly does) he could have expressed his disappointment ‘succinctly and briefly’ without appearing to make it into a personal attack… but noooo, he tried too hard to be “clever,” and now the internet ‘knows who he is’ (at least briefly, before its attention wanes), but for all the wrong reasons.
I don’t know why this seems like such a slippery concept to grasp; it’s not that the man doesn’t have his valid points, it’s that he presented them with a petulant-ass flounce, which only serves to paint him in a worse light than the one he intended to cast upon Cole.
there you go with your rolling the eyes in gif form. Very unprofessional.
There have been some accounts that Charlotte Bronte and her sisters really were celebrities-- after Charlotte’s death, her letters were cut up, so as to provide souvenirs for her fans.
so I can imagine a rather misguided proposal at the meeting–
“what if we got a real celebrity-- someone who’s famous for being famous–to help us celebrate this bicentennial?”
and to someone who prefers the literary aspects of her life, this would be heresy.
This is a freakin’ blog, yo; ain’t nobody up in here paying me, so I never claimed to be “professional,” nor have I ever had any reason to.
Furthermore, how I express my opinions on said blog is not the topic at hand, either… but the deflection attempt is duly noted.
You have yourself a nice night now; I’m done.
Holland, who was only expressing his opinions on a personal blog, might be thinking the same thing.
Unless I’m mistaken, the man quit his association with the society in question over his opinion.
Meanwhile, I’ll still be here come manana.
I hate to say this, but d_r has a point there: while being public, his blog is his, and he probably addressed a very limited audience (he thought).
His silly ad personam attack and his quite biting style and partially annoying are as appropriate for such a platform as GIFs are here.
However, your more important point still stands. He sounds like an asshole.
Say what now?
No offense, I just didn’t want to come more to the aid of some polemic guy ranting about a successful woman.
It’s really not the time for this tone. Rants have their place and time, but this guy totally underestimated the publicity of the internet. Or he’s even more an asshole than I currently think.
(Already kind of defended his stance above by pointing out his nepotism argument, which - also stylistically - seems to be at the heart of all this. But you, and @L0ki above, have made the point to cut the distracting bullshit much more clear than I did.)
I figured, I just couldn’t pass up a chance to inject some humorous false outrage.
That is a fair point, but so is this one:
Like I quoted up above, the only way to not be criticized is to not do anything.
I’ve acknowledged repeatedly that the gentleman in question does raise some valid points about why Cole isn’t the best choice, yet no matter how much I engage, certain people seem unwilling to acknowledge what you just did:
He also seems like an asshole, and the tone he took undermines the overall validity of his gripe.
That’s literally all I’ve been saying this whole entire time, which is what makes this whole exchange so exasperating.
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