Man eats squirrel brains, gets brain disorder and dies

Similarly, avoid looking up the vids of pelicans eating pigeons and ducklings.


Pretty sure i recall one of a pelican trying to eat someone’s dog or cat. Deff not looking that up


I didn’t realize anyone thought of chickens as vegetarian. I thought they were known for eating insects when they could get them.


Yeh but i don’t think people think of chickens as meat eaters specifically. I have a friend that has some property with farm animals and he says when he kills snakes he chops them up and freezes the meat so that when his chickens get sick he feeds it to them and within a few days they’re back to normal.


Chickens eat all kinds of crazy stuff. I have seen within a 2-3 minute drive of from where I am, a chicken coop that was set up under a pine tree so they can feast on the pine needles that fall down.


From what I have gathered, herbivores will grab a protein snack if it is handy. They are just ill equipped to make it a staple.

Big fish like carp pike eat ducklings too. They even make lures shaped like them.


“Michael, he ate a bird!”


Really? I thought those lures were for pike and musky (definitely bird eaters, musky sometimes eating adult ducks).

I know the big carp are more carnivorous, since guys on my fishing forums say they will occasionally catch them on bass lures in the 20-40lb. range.


Pike. Sorry, I am thinking of pike for the lures. Though I know there are some big ass carp in Kansas and I am sure a duckling has met their fate with one.


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They don’t wait for windfalls.

Deer removed nestlings quickly(5–19 sec/nest) at night (22:00 to 05:17 Central Daylight Time) and left no evidence of predation. Although probably opportunistic, deer predations clearly were deliberate and likely are more common than generally believed.”

On Rhum, Inner Hebrides, red deer were watched biting the heads off manx shearwater chicks and occasionally also chewing the shearwaters’ legs and wings to excise bone. Killing of birds and the selective ingestion of bone-rich parts by ruminants has not previously been widely documented.”

Deer also eat lemmings. But who doesn’t? Lemmings are central to arctic ecology, a comparable role to sand-plankton on Arrakis.


People do stupid stuff like this (No. I don’t feel any empathy for him), but yet I can’t donate blood to the US population, because my parents were serving in the United States Army in Germany when I was born. The FDA is worried I might have CJD, A.K.A Mad Cow Disease. FYI FDA, if I had it, I would’ve already been exhibiting signs and symptoms. Plus, you could screen my blood.
There’s almost nothing more depressing than being in the middle of a MASCAL that needs blood donors, having blood, and not being able to donate just because of where you were born.


you don’t know the half of it

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