Man tests minimal address experiment by sending himself a letter

In a similar situation, my niece moved into a new built estate and had a postcode allocated, but delivery companies (and Amazon) refused to accept any orders because it did not appear on their databases – that continued for over a year.


I had the opposite version of that.

There was a new build street in the next village over from ours, someone let the address be extremely similar to ours:

Postcode: xxxx-7xx Vs xxxx-4xx
Town name: xxxxxxx Vs xxxxxxx Down
Street name: The xxxxxxx Vs xxxxxxx Wood

For about a year, anyone plugging the new address into a online map would get our address as the closest match.

We got so many deliveries for the new house arriving at ours. Had to print out a sign to hang on our door asking people to check the address before delivering.
One time we came home to find a building merchant dumping building supplies on our driveway, plus we got huge amounts of misdelivered Amazon parcels*

*On the plus side, after contacting Amazon we’d get told just to keep the item, got a lot of freebies as a result!


Oh no doubt it did. I’m sure everything in the Anarchist Cookbook is stolen from somewhere. It was hardly a very original “publication”, shared as it was via BBS text files. :grin:


Google Maps errors are a pox on us all now.

My sister lives on a 4 acre plot that was subdivided about 20 years ago from a 40 acre parcel. Google maps doesn’t know this and thus directs all Ubers, taxis, food deliveries, Amazon drivers, etc to a random spot in the wilderness several miles away. If you look as the crow flies, it is the original “address” of the 40 acre parcel that hasn’t existed for decades.

They have filled out the form Google provides to correct this error dozens of times over all the years they’ve lived there. Google has never fixed it and there’s nobody you can call or email to help because tech company.

As you say, pre-Google, this was never a problem because they have a normal legit street address that is on every paper map. Nobody had trouble finding it until everyone switched to Google Maps.


Oh yeah… for sure… But the point was not originality, but the sharing of information… Same with Hoffman’s book, too.

Actually? Wasn’t there a documentary about the guy who originally put it together a while back? googles There we go!

I think I watched this, but I don’t remember much about it? :thinking:


Ooooh I didn’t know about this documentary! Thanks for the tip.


I seem to remember liking it? I think I watched it not long after it came out, which in Trump/Pandemic years means I saw it 10 million years ago! :grimacing:


Not at all. Yawn.

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