Man with gun gets robbed by man with a gun, leaving two unarmed people injured

So close to finally getting the point.

Fewer guns, fewer deaths.


No - not at all. Like I said, CA has the best one.

Look - I am not being obtuse or pendantic here. The AWB did not ban assault rifles. It banned certain features. So they were still making and selling assault weapons (AR-15s and AKs) during that 10 year period. The stats went down despite more assault rifles were available.

Maybe you guys don’t believe me. Do you want me to link to Beau of the 5th Columns video saying the same thing?

Here - the above rifle was legal before the AWB of 1994. The bottom rifle was legal after the AWB of 1994. Other than the smaller magazine, it shot the same kind of round just as fast and accurately. Add one of the millions of 30 round magazines that were floating around and it had the same overall capabilities.

Again, what does that look like? What is the non perfect starting point?

I actually agree with non-perfect being ok when thinking about passing laws. But if you pass XYZ law to stop ABC, and it does nothing to do that, then it isn’t really any forward progress on what the stated goal is. And it makes one look politically weak if your law doesn’t have the desired effect. YMMV.

From a statistics view, that is true.


I don’t draft this type of law. I’m not going to pretend to do it here. Though that seems an obsessive hobby of some. That’s for the legislators to draft. I’m generally in support of elimination of more deadly weapons that serve no real civilian purpose.

They can take that direction from the vast majority of voters and come up with something.


BuT tHeRe Is No SuCh ThInG aS aSsAuLt wEaPoNs


I’m fine with calling them weapons too dangerous for civilians to own.


Literally, provably true.

You just support the opposite.


Why do you think it’s a societal good that people be allowed to own most types of guns just because? Sure people do use AR15 style guns and their ilk for sport shooting and shooting small animals, but cannot those activities be done with somewhat less powerful weapons? Do you think anyone should be allowed to own any weapon they want?


For all the lengthy walls of text and claims that you’re ‘just trying to be informative’ it still looks like you just value your hobby over human life and safety.


Just because people do it doesn’t mean it’s a good or necessary way to do it. People use ARs because they like ARs. In every country where you can’t buy an AR, hunters and ranchers use hunting rifles. They do the job very well.

You’re going back on Ignore, my dude. Your bad faith gunwanking in every single thread is exhausting and I regret engaging with you every time. Feel free to win this argument in my absence.


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