Massachusetts mayor first in line to legally buy recreational weed

~ Nice & Smooth, Sometimes I Rhyme Slow


For the same reason there isn’t a convincing argument why fruit isn’t a destroyer of civilizations.

There is no need for such arguments because there hasn’t been a problem.

I was around when both Oregon and Washington made medical legal. And some folks pushed the fear that soon the states would be full of pot addicts and civilization would crumble.

…and that never happened. It never happened so much that politicians that are pretty risk averse agreed after many years that that the terrors of refer madness never materialized and made it available to every one via retail stores that are nice and open like a bakery or deli.

…And some said oh no, they state is going to be overrun with pot addicts and pot deaths. And that never happened.

If you want to get upset about something you should turn your focus on the opioid epidemic because that is actually causing a crisis on the both city and state levels and people are really dying… right now. No need to imagine what could happen with pot (but never does).

You keep trying to compare all drugs as if they are equal. Different drugs have different effects and different levels of addiction potential.


Romulan Grapefruit? I cant believe the names of strains these days.

Papasan, toke up and enjoy. My favorite was always Purple Haze


To quote Stephen Fry, “Of course too much is bad for you. That’s what “too much” means.”


Maybe if people were content to sit around smoking weed and listening to records rather than consuming more and more consumer goods, California would not be on fire.

A little idleness isn’t a terrible thing.

For a brief moment I thought I somehow shifted to an alternate universe where that character’s name really was “Narkewicz” and Photoshop never existed.


Well, Willie Nelson has often said that if he hadn’t switched from whiskey to pot he’d have been dead years ago.


As far as I know, Purple Haze was a form of LSD, not pot.

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I can verify that the black market for weed IS still around in WA, although much reduced. Now, however, the black market specializes in providing product at significantly lower prices (no taxes and whatnot, hey?) than the legal offerings.

That said, I don’t bother. The legal stuff is nearly always MUCH higher quality and frankly, I don’t mind funding schools/libraries/roads/etc. with a bit of fully-voluntary taxation ^^’ .

It doesn’t hurt that legal weed here is also a good bit cheaper than the black market ever was, before legalization! I just bought 1/2 oz. of “Purple Trainwreck” (28.91% THC-A, 2.6% THC, and hardly any CBD) for $48, as an easy example. That’s less than “mids” (mid-grade product) cost, back in the day!


I think the most important thing we (Canadians) gain with legalization is that I can trust that the cannabis I purchase legally is well tested, with an accurate list of the important ingredients, and warnings about not operating heavy or dangerous things while impaired, and with links to honest, science-based information readily visible.

I trust these suppliers because I know they are likely to follow the rules and do accurate, traceable, audit-able testing and labeling. Not because they’re all swell people, but because they don’t want to lose their license to sell weed sweat for the price of gold.

This is nothing new… it’s the exact same trust model as we apply to alcohol. I trust Molson’s to accurately dose my beer, and Seagrams to keep the bad alcohol out. Or they lose their license to sell grain mush for the price of gold.

I wish they’d gone further, forcing organic-only or safest practices growing. And I’m waiting to see if there will be any regulations around personal grows. All I hear now is “4 plants per household”. Wouldn’t shock me to hear personal grows must be “seed-to-weed” traceable, only bought from the government store, etc.

Edit: spacing



My father, who’s been battling cancer for over a year now, has been prescribed marinol (a synthetic derivative) as an appetite stimulant, which he desperately needs, given all the weight he’s lost.

(Of course, the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: insurance company doesn’t want to pay for it, which is another issue entirely, because it’s expensive. I’m dearly hoping that, since Michigan’s legalizing it, if the doctors can’t get insurance to give, that I’ll be able to get edibles or something with the same effect to help him.)


OMG!: Didn’t any of you notice the MA “Mayor” was named NARKewicz? He’s trollin’ us, man! Just look at that TIE! He’s Johnny Law, chums! Get outta that dispensary, pronto!
It’s a TRAP, I tells ya! A friggin’ STING! Don’t fall for it! Do you have PROOF weed is legal in MA?

And yes: I tend towards paranoia even when not stoned, but still. Oh okay, but just one little toke and then I’m outta here.

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so… the stereotypical effects of this drug remind you of a thinly veiled drug analogy in some 60’s TV show?

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don’t worry, someone just needs to ask him “are you a cop?”

Star Trek TOS “some 60’s TV show?” Sacrilege! :slight_smile:

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One of the biggest stoners I know (habitual, daily pot user) is also the only person I know that wakes up at 3 am to climb a mountain in the dark to see the sunrise. It blows my mind because pot just makes me want to sit and eat cheetos and watch crime documentaries.

She was mentioning to me how she likes to get high and go snowboarding and I didn’t even know that was on the table. It certainly isn’t on my table.

I think burnouts are burnouts; lots of people are ambitionless without the use of drugs, I think some people just fit with it.


A friend of a friend smoked a joint on the summit of Everest.

Personally, I spent most of my PhD as a daily smoker. Didn’t stop me from publishing research papers, didn’t stop me from completing my thesis.


The most remarkable thing about the dispensaries to me is the varieties available. You can get just sativa, just indica, or a blend. And they are all good and strong, too. Compared to Joe, the skunk dealer, who spends half an hour trying to convince me how awesome his skanky, seedy shake is. As if I have any other choice, Joe?


@Melz2 @Papasan
I love you both, guys.
Enjoy your smoke/brownies/whatever.